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December Collage Poem: Waves

Swansea waves words at passing poets


The twenty-fifth day is long and in others souls,

A week later we enter the next chapter with

New raging goals.


Kissing capitalism's ass and not mine

Highway traffic moves in waves,

Or should that be it crawls like a crab


Marrying a woman from East Texas

She cooked Christmas pudding for dinner each night

In peanut and r...

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Collage PoemDecemberStockport Art GalleryStockport WoLWoL

July 2017 Collage Poem: Old Photographs


An apt public hanging, packed treasure

Not like mine


The past zooms into focus in blow-up

In camera obscura


No-one spoke,

And the silence said volumes


Spuds and carrots and don't forget

To pick up the horseshit!


All sit in Domino rolls

I never told my students of stories

Waiting to escape


Pictures of matchstick men

Waiting to escape...

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Easter WoL Collage Poem


A riotous toast to Queen Victoria

the lighter the better, under the table

black dagger stabs my heart


Oh! To be in Anglesea;

so beautiful - 

death, rape, law, sacrifice. The more things change...


And still the penny rolls like a sunset

cascading what it simply used to mean.

We worry not, for our lady still holds

the sky whilst she sings.


The anxiou...

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WoLStockport WOLEaster Collage Poem

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