The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

politics (Remove filter)

You shouldn’t make it up

Of the man who maintained 

That women should refrain

From applying their make-up on a moving train.


I ask where is your brain?

And how dare you complain?

And does your arrogance stem from a taste for cocaine?


You’re archaic forsooth

Sickening #metoo my back tooth 

So yeah, you’re about to get burnt by the fire in this booth.


You claim that she’s uncouth


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makeuptrainfeminismpoliticscurrent eventsNewstoryBreaking News

Fair Game

Some claim they don't do politics 

Cos it's a game of dirty tricks

That powerful people try to fix

I guess that much is true.


I too can see what's going wrong

The same sad singers sing the same sad songs

Leaving no space for me and you

To feel that we belong.


But if that leaves us in a rage

Which makes us choose not to engage

We leave for them an empty stage


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Politicsdirty tricksengagement

To Remain


Look, I like having legal rights; to be a citizen not just a subject,
but I’m not without doubts about this great European project.
No, I don’t fear drowning in seas of asylum seekers some’d prefer out of my backyard
but the far right’s rise darkens my night skies and I find some truths really are quite hard.
Yes, the status quo is twisted so some not so nice people do too well off it,

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PoliticsEUreferendumvotevotingEuropeRemainthe sommeeconomicsunioneuropeanflanders

Make a stand


Make a stand


You can make a stand against wrong-doing or stand for what is right,

You can make a stand as a pacifist as to stand is not to fight.

You can make a stand with a fist aloft or stand with a lowered gaze,

You can make a stand that’s popular or stand without seeking praise.

You can make a stand by marching or stand up by sitting down,

You can make a stand if yo...

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list poempensionspoliticsprotestStriketrade-unions

Equally bad (AKA Rantings of an antisexist man in a post-feminist world)

I may be a mister,
But sisters don’t get pissed yeah when I say in fact - I, am a feminist.
There seems to me to be a need for us to celebrate and debate the culture of nurture over greed,
Which appears an instinctively natural part of so many a female’s nature.
Maybe its origins historically are biological,
Isn’t it simple, obvious and logical,
That of the human races pair of parental par...

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