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Auracle on Emailed message
23 minutes ago

Sunshine on The crystal lamp
35 minutes ago

Sunshine on Slipperstale
36 minutes ago

Sunshine on Slipperstale
37 minutes ago

Holden Moncrieff on moment.
2 hours ago

Holden Moncrieff on Hark...
2 hours ago

Tom Doolan on It's June
5 hours ago

Trevor Alexander on God Didn't Know What to Say
7 hours ago

David RL Moore on Dens of Iniquity
11 hours ago

Greg Freeman on PLAYTIME
11 hours ago

Girl in the Spotty Dress

Little girl in the spotty frock, 

Did she love you then or not?


What did you do to make it change?

Why were you so very strange?

Why did you not do as you're told? 

Always needed an extra scold. 

Never behaved at home or school,

Always the one who acts the fool. 

Never able to conform,

Always the one full of scorn.


Still the girl in the spotty frock?


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What can you see?

What is a disability?

Is it there for all to see? 

Do they look a little special,

Or just a bit like me. 

Maybe there is a wheel chair,

Crutches or a splint.

What about the eye patch?

Is there just a little hint?


What about that limp he has?

Or the crooked looking stance?

Some just look so ordinary.

They can even dance.

Some they think imagine it,


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bipolarmental healthPsychosis

Medication that's what I need

I slip one in my mouth,

It melts. 


I lick strawberry lips.

Kissed by magic.

It takes away my pain,

Senses numbed. 

Nothing seems to matter. 

Apathy takes a hold. 

25mg maximum dose.

Is it working?

I have no clue.

I have lost my inner self. 

I don't want to feel the pain,

But without it there's no escape. 

I want to taste the rainbow,

To r...

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Knock knock...

Knock knock...
It's the door.
Don't come to the house,
Invasion not wanted!
Heart pounding, 
Shaking chest.
Discussion not needed.
Privacy counts. 
Sweating palms,
beaten brow.

Knock knock...
It's the door. 
Keep away 
allow freedom.
Blind with panic
Screams deathly quiet.
No need for checking on.
Perfectly capable self.

Knock knock...
It's the door.
Tension of a coiled spr...

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Mental healthpsychosisvisitorsbipolar


There are challenges we face that others don't see,

may never experience, never understand.

Invisible mountains we climb alone,

oceans we swim feeling out of our depth.

But we do it. We fight it. We beat it.

Mental health recovery is a journey,

a destination that requires focus, bravery and time.

For all those who face it every day...


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Mental healthrecoverybipolarparanoid schizophrenia

The Waiting Room

Sat here waiting
Stupid posters on the wall
Like knowing 1/4 matters
Mental health for all. 

The chairs are stained and dirty,
Water fountain broke,
Magazines outdated.
Even leaflets on a stroke. 

The receptionist she mumbles,
Or is it the glass screen,
Protects her from the patients, 
Ring bells - they are unclean.

Mental or a leper,
It really doesn't matter.
You're all in thi...

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bipolardepressionmental healthpsychosis

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