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The Merrie City Serenade [song version]

The Merrie City Serenade


Behind the market hall, riding the Ark

Hand in hand lovers strolling through the park

Carving their initials deep in the bark

on this Merrie City Serenade


Old men and teenagers sitting in The Chance

Ian and Peter refusing to dance

Across the mighty Rafters dance floor expanse

to the Merry City Serenade


On Cannonball hill beneath a ...

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The Tracks Of My Years

The Tracks Of My Years


We sat cross legged in summer dusk

A smoky haze passing through

Admired artwork airbrushed

In fantastic swirls of colour

Reading words in synchronised

Staccato with the music

Flowing from the stereo


Simpler times

Longer hair

No aching joints


I wish we could do that again

But friends disappear like exhaled smoke

And some a...

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A Life In The Day

A Life In The Day


SHARE if you have a hamster you love with all your heart who you know will do anything for you

QUENTIN has TAGGED you in his album 'Genital Warts' (51 pictures)
because all your friends want to see the spotted dick of a person they've never met

so close to LICK

STATUS UPDATE: my wife's left me
STALKER47: about time m8 - every...

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Weird Sisters

Weird Sisters

when did we four last meet
with doctor martins on our feet
hubble, bubble trick or treat
kiss and tell arms to greet
looks that kill in a heartbeat
concrete steps as a seat
stir the cauldron feel the heat
cool as fuck neat neat neat
no surrender no retreat
angel faces so petite
whiplash smiles sugar sweet
weird sisters of the street


Inspired By: photograph by Ri...

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