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A Wound That Never Heals

A Wound That Never Heals


It hurts me

when a you shaped hole

appears in the cosmos,

where there is

an absence of colour,

where the sound

scrapes along,

where the light

is masked by

dense grey mist.


That’s where

I miss you

the most.


When it rains

a greasy rain,

when the cracked bell


when the planets

are misaligned.



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An Angel Bathes In Tears

An Angel Bathes In Tears

Diniel rested for a second
and turned his eyes away
from those that he was caring for
and in that moment all was lost.
Now he bathes in the cascades
of acidic human tears
that flood the world with grief.
Erosive and corrosive
at the passing of infant souls
in a war that has no meaning
in a world that has no morals.
Now his dainty angel features
disappear unt...

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Child CasualtiesDeathJerusalemPalestineSorrowThe Angel DinielWarrichpix

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