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remnants (Remove filter)

A November Haunting

A November Haunting



Has come and gone

Leaving us with its

Vicious little demons


The howling wind

Screaming down the chimney

Like a banshee


Brittle twigs

Whipping along the windows

tiny scratching claws

of desperation


A wolf howl

Through the eaves


The cloying damp touch

Of dead leaves


Ice cold drizzle

Down th...

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NovemberHalloweenstormrainremnantshaunting noises

The Mound

The Mound


It started way back when I was a child

One cold November night in sixty-four

Old furniture and windfall from the trees

Piled high into a mound of combustibles


Each year new kindling was added to ashes

That had smudged the verdant back garden lawn

Layer upon layer added to the blackened hill

That was gradually growing towards the sky


One year I lo...

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bonfireremnantsteddy bearwastelandchildhoodleft behind

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