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Empty crucible

Once full of righteous fire

Now just grey ashes


The snake rears its head

Striking blindly at targets

That are imagined


Adopts power stance

Arms crossed - closed for argument

Pin head and big mouth

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napowrimo2020day 23usashape of letterstrumpamericatri-haiku

There Are No Angels Here

There Are No Angels Here


Scraping around the vipers nest,

flaming swords and thrusting spear,

black spiders scuttle to the feast

but there are no angels here.


The dragon crawls into their veins,

hallucinogenic ecstasy or fear.

The demon bares his fangs to bite

and still there are no angels here.


The first-born rounded up and caged,

harvesting the mother...

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americacorruptionTrumpus foreign policy

The Parchment, The Bullet & The Word

The Parchment, The Bullet And The Word


It was old,

old and failing,

and it was loaded

and when I pointed it at him

he shrank back



I said

“Do what I want

you to do,

because if you don’t

I will use this.

I’m not afraid

To use this”.


He sank to his knees

and prayed

for forgiveness,

prayed to all his little Gods

that I was bl...

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americagun lawhigh school murderpower of the wordindoctrination

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