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A crack on the chameleon’s mask

By way of a mockery
You tweeted
“Always truth will take
the upper hand!”
The sanctimonious
Of your brand
That adore to
Bedraggle mother land
Cooking stories,
In deluding the
Global community,
That served you
A magic wand!

Yes true to
Your words
“The truth
at last prevails,”
Lately, your mask
Has suffered a crack;
The revolting record
Sniffed from your track

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Don't mistake me for a fool

When you find me by choice cool
Mistake me not for a fool.

If there is a need for being cruel
I could over your eyes pull the wool
With out- heroding- herod's tool.

Unless imbeciles like you
Get a first hand knowledge
What is meant by
A gal-hearted revenge
Or inflicted damage
As goes the adage
"A ball in a China shop!"
They gloat creating
Many a wreckage,
Harbouring a grudge

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