The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

A crack on the chameleon’s mask

By way of a mockery
You tweeted
“Always truth will take
the upper hand!”
The sanctimonious
Of your brand
That adore to
Bedraggle mother land
Cooking stories,
In deluding the
Global community,
That served you
A magic wand!

Yes true to
Your words
“The truth
at last prevails,”
Lately, your mask
Has suffered a crack;
The revolting record
Sniffed from your track
Revealed lucifer, molester
And traitor truly
Your features mark.

An Albatross
On Ethiopia’s
( WHO’s neck)
Oaths that break
Is a headache.

WHO must know,
Impropriety to fight
Purging a parasite,
Dr Twedros
Though late, is right. ///


Author notes

Lately WHO's Director General THAT has been embezzling WHO's money to arm a terrorist group (mourning killers/TPLF) to tear down an ancient and peace-loving nation is exposed.A MOLESTER HE WAS ACCUSING ETHIOPIAN AND ERITREANS about mostly fabricated rapes.Spilling the blood of the innocent and rape are the characteristic features of his likes

I want to know whether the message is clear



◄ Crocodile tears

Turning Africa’s Horn to its arm ►


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