The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

NATURE (Remove filter)

sapiosexual - attracted to intelligence

practicing chiropractors
correct us —
posture up —
try, and
… stand upright

formless before the big bang
chaotic with a dark past, and
the light an omnipresent
cognizant force with foresight
for the universes future is in order

simulation theory
0’s & 1’s
the singularity
near infinite
expanding with each addition
times, O
multiplied it is still nil



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Be like the rain, relentless and free

Yet gentle enough for a thirsty tree.

Be like the wind, a powerful force

Yet soft enough to change its course.


Be like the ocean, vast and wide

Yet still enough for a gentle tide.

Be like the mountains, tall and proud

Yet humble enough to bow to the cloud.


Be like the earth, grounded and deep

Yet open enough for secrets to ...

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The Path of Immortality

The Path of Immortality explores the timeless journey of the atoms that compose us, weaving together the origins of life from stardust to the cycles of death and rebirth. As we grieve the loss of loved ones, this poem offers solace, reminding us that no part of them is truly lost. Their atoms continue to shape the world, giving rise to new life in ways unseen. It is a gentle reminder that we are a...

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immortalitystardustatomscosmic cyclelife after deathgriefrebirthuniversenatureeternal journeycomfort in losstransformationexistencetimeless connection


On Shima's slope, a linden dreams

In my village, standing old and grand.

My heart—a bird—above it gleams

A watchful spirit, close at hand

Whispering tales to its golden leaves

Those of vibrant surge, and verdant flight.


Through sunlit days and moonlit nights

I watch it sway, so strong and free

A silent solace, an innocent delight 

The linden's magic touches me.


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Before the Fall

Image Source: Pinterest/@HeatherChilton


Green leaves gently sway,
before senescence sets in,
ask them how they feel.


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haikugrowing oldrelationshipsphilosophylifeNature


Wherever the wind may lead,

That's where I'll follow, free.

To embrace the wild trees,

And hear the frogs' soft croak,

Becoming an explorer at heart.


Through meadows wide and rivers deep,

Where the sun and shadows softly meet,

I'll chase the dawn and greet the night,

With stars above as guiding light.


No map, no path, just endless skies,

A world unknown befo...

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Another star twinkles its last
And yet the sky does not mourn

Only the moon weeps gently
Behind the wisps of clouds
But still the golden star will rise
Breaking horizons line
In reds, pinks and yellow
and the land answers with song.

Only the sea whispers gently
Against the grey rocks
Bubbling through the pebbles
Murmuring of memories
But still the mountains stand
Defiant and stron...

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Lepers on the hill

Across a road, a tranquil sight

Where animals graze to a shepherds delight

In the warm glow of a spring's dawn

A summer's heat is soon to be born


But across this tranquil hill

Is where the "looney's" roam and madness spills

Torn from family's and lost to war

Their minds scream through a padded door


Nurses rush to aid the wounded

Thrashing and yelling - who woul...

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mental healthnaturedeathlifeanimals

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