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journey (Remove filter)

A little trip

In the abysses of your eyes

Launching myself

To take a little trip and realize

Trying to make sense.


I will probably find colours and

Infinite kindness,

Delicate magic imaginary hand

Giving soft caresses.


Or will it be a chaotic symphony

Precious music

Sweet anarchy you make pretty,

Beautiful archaic.


After all maybe it’s better not to.


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loveadventuretraveljourneytripa little tripcerebraldescovery

Rocky Road

My journey of healing begins

Trekking along a rocky road of unhealed traumas

Breathing slowly, inhale, exhale!

Tear filled eyes, liquid dreams wash away right before me

Asking myself, who am I now?

And, who do I want to be? 

Against my will, my mind flickers through memories past,  

Confronted with my shadow

Refusing to flee, I learn to cope with the density

Leaving room...

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Our Journey

Let's escape our separate towns together,
Away from prying eyes,
Where no one knows our faces yet,

And our love needs no disguise.


Let's camp out in the world together,

And I'll hold you through the night,

With your head upon my shoulder,

We sit watching stars burn bright.


We'll laugh and smile discussing hopes and dreams,

And make known all of our desires,


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