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Passion (Remove filter)

Wavering Passion

Desire is the root of all suffering.

In shadows, deep my wishes lie,
Desire speaks, a tempting sigh.
From ancient tales to modern woes,
It stirs my heart, but pain it sows.

Each yearning wish that dares to rise,
Comes with a cost, a heavy sigh.
In gardens light, I seek the sweet,
Yet I find myself at sorrow’s feet.

The Greeks warned of hubris’ fall,
Desires’ echo, a haunting call.

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Black Fire

Everyone has a fire in their soul

A bright passion that makes them whole

An urge to follow like a fool

A desperate need to fulfill no matter how cruel


A bright spark in their eyes

A light that never dies

A wonderful dream that never lies

A reason to get up and rise


A star in their hearts to answer their wishes

A burning desire inside their chests

A cheery pe...

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Déjà vu & Phantasmagoria

— Recurring

crime seen in your eyes,
reflecting - eyelids
singed… deep, froze
and framed with pain
the negatives
of a photographic memory,
an outlook not unlike,
questioning, asking myself
what have I done?
what am I doing with my life?
what could I have done different?

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The Reason

This is the reason I do what I do.

A rhyme, a song in shades of blue.

Connections made to a million ties.

The longing stare of a million eyes.


Peering out from the darkness, soul by soul.

Bound by the sound of every note.

Bound by the beat of the rhythmic drum.

Bound by the voice of the chosen one.


Chosen to carry the weight of them all.

Chosen to suffer, chos...

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inspirationmaking a differencepassion

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