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Longing (Remove filter)

driving with my mother

She said 37 words in fifteen seconds on the start of the drive home. 37 words in fifteen seconds. I don’t know what she said. I was too busy counting. She says I live inside my head. I don’t think she understands the irony. 37 words, she wasn’t even breathless. I don’t know if it was an attempt to fill the silence or if it was her way of closing the distance between us by opening it, or she was si...

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Sunset Memory

An old porch swing made once for two.

Cool night breeze calling out to you.

Ten thousand memories rise above,

the sunset waters of our love.


Just like the day slips into the night,

the love we had that was oh so right

it slipped away. It slipped away,

like day slips into night.


Was our love doomed to come and pass,

one day as fire, one day as ash?

Night afte...

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lovelosslost lovelonging

Til Time Stands Still

It was a beautiful story,

I wish it was my own. 

It makes me think of you,

so every now and then

I turn it on. 


Was the first song we danced to,

it made us fall in love. 

Now every time it plays

I see your face, 

you’re all I think of. 


Why does it seem true loves

are always kept apart?

Is it cruel fate,

a form of bait

that’s used to crush the he...

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