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CHILDHOOD (Remove filter)

Cuttings [song version]



Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,

The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,

On a cold and frosty morning morning.


They took a sprig from Hatfeild Hall

And planted it in Wakefield Gaol

A Mulberry bush grew on the spot

Its humble origins forgot

And there female prisoners exercised at night

Beneath the pale Yorkshire...

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wakefieldnursery rhymeoriginschildhoodwakefield prisoncircle of lifehope

Dens of Iniquity


In a Spinney dark and cool

three pallets made a hide,

the pain endured at home & school

could never reach inside.


A buckled form bent and broke

grey face toward damp earth,

betrayed a tongue that rarely spoke

bitten hard since birth.


Of love there was no knowing

just thoughts of what might be,

within a hatred growing

as if a raging sea.



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i miss being your daughter

we were close when i was little

you called me your sugar plum fairy

sat by my bed when my dreams were too scary

I didn't know then that our relationship was so brittle


you have mixed feelings about your own mother

maybe that's why you act the way you do

you rip me apart and then try to patch me up with glue

we both know you wouldn't ever do that to my brother


you ...

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mommommy issuessadteenage girlgrowing upchildhoodpoem

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