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night (Remove filter)


Light breeze,

Flowing through your hair,

Like swift waves of silent sea.

As we hear,

Gentle rustling of leaves,

Their sound, A music indeed,

With the moon's light,

Shimmering through the sky,

Lightning our path,

Your dark eyes,


Like an ocean, filled with stars.

Hear me, my dear,

I know it is hard,

But, I want you,

To forget all your worries,


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happy night outnightnyctophilesilencecoldlovecutetimesmilewalkhappy

Summer Night

Night has descended on the fields

but a summer night never darkens, only shields               

dreamers from the day's dull hold

as I am wakeful, bedded cold;

                and the trees stretch into the faded sky  


Night has alighted on my mind

but a wakened wraith can only stray, its kind

vanish as summer's dusky night flies on

as I am lost beyond my dream horizo...

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Under cover of the night

Shufflings in the shrubbery,

leapings on the lawn,

furtive assignations and who knows what skullduggery,

surreptitious shadow shapes, sundown to dawn.

It’s my own familiar garden but it happens out of sight:

it’s all undercover

…under cover of the night.


Nighttime was a blank space, destitute of life,

a time I’d stop the clock and quit the world.

But then I bought a...

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AnimalshedgehogsnightRolling Stones



I opened the windows of my room with the night

I let in the stars and slept in their time

    I knew their waning


When I awoke

My pillow was flattened with the weight of their time

My mind was present in the immensity of their span

    I knew their past now



I curtained the new day in my room with the dawn

I breathed in time and dreamed of the...

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Moon in the Morning Sky

So out of place

Yet so beautiful 

Like the moon

In the morning sky

Losing its shine

And relevance 

With the Rising Sun.

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