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Summer Night

Night has descended on the fields

but a summer night never darkens, only shields               

dreamers from the day's dull hold

as I am wakeful, bedded cold;

                and the trees stretch into the faded sky  


Night has alighted on my mind

but a wakened wraith can only stray, its kind

vanish as summer's dusky night flies on

as I am lost beyond my dream horizon;

                and the stars strive to reach my world


Night has despoiled my dreamer's trance  

but a lighted night can never please, its dance

masked from my sleepless eyes

as I remark only its pale skies;

                and the darkness fails to light my past


Night has descended on the pane

but a summer night can never dim, my brain

caches my past years' pleasure

as I accept time's slow measure;

                and the faded sky welcomes the ghostly trees    



◄ Grimalkin

In the beginning, God [early draft] ►


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