The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love (Remove filter)



So close yet so far

Six hours in the car




Miles and Miles


One day, we will be reunited

Until then, 



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Brunette. Blonde

Black. Grey

I am auburn.


Hazel. Green

Brown. Blue

I am Grey.


Tabs, blanks

Pockets, sockets

Corners, middles

I am unique.


Flat pieces; four points

Innies and lock

The back

always Grey


Without me, you are not complete

With me, we are replete


A needle in the haystack

melancholic morning


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Till the end of the line

I have entered this new chapter of my life,

But it feels like the past is not so far behind.

I wish you were here to see the person who I have become today,

I wish you were here to tell me that it was going to be okay.


From seeing each other almost everyday,

To not having spoken to each other for over a year seems like hell.

I wish you were here to get me out of this mess,


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A Perfect Evening

Sitting on the couch next to you

Makes me feel calm, happy and content,

Like walking on a beach with a sunset view,

Every second here is time well spent.

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The moment it all changed

Without a chance, at that first glance,

A heart stopping moment frozen in time.

Nothing made sense, except, with electrifying suspense,

That the universe had spoken as your eyes met mine.

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Lost Love

To hold you in my arms one last time

To feel your touch even though I knew you weren’t really mine

To feel your lips touch mine and again feel your love 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing I could bring you back 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing to fix this shattered heart

But a touch, a kiss, my love wasn’t enough 

You’re not coming back 

You’ve chosen 

And it’s clear now

Your love is ...

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Lovegodbrokenhealinghopedreamswishesbroken dreams

If Ever I Fall



If ever I fall will you catch me

And sing me a sweet lullaby?

To stitch up my heart when it's broken

For I've never been good at goodbyes


Would you weave me a story of wonder

To light up my mind when it's cold?

And chase all the darkness & thunder

From the emptiness of my soul?


If ever I fall


Would you pick me up in your arms

And take me back ...

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Bottom of the list

Pumping fast to the heart
Skin feeling warm
To the touch
Inside and out, love flowing
It's flowing
Into your veins
Another day,
An offer,
Of a blanket on the grass
Your love in a cup
The warmth on our skins
Under the sun, like you planned
Time and time
I've stopped my demands
Always promised
Always empty
If I were a substance
Could I get your love

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Drug addictiondrug abusemental illnessloveemotional outletlife

Do We Loose Attraction From The One We Love?

Yesterday I was looking at my flaws in mirror.

I realised.

At times, I don't feel like talking to the person I say I love.

At times, I won't wish to spend time with him.

At times, I won't wish to look at his sparkling eyes.

I felt, I lost attraction.

I felt, maybe it was one another crush to which I gave the name of love.

Then I noticed that there are times when we won't like ...

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love poetryloverelationshipsrelationship issuesfailed relationshipattraction

Do We Loose Attraction From The One We Love?

Yesterday I was looking at my flaws in mirror.

I realised.

At times, I don't feel like talking to the person I say I love.

At times, I won't wish to spend time with him.

At times, I won't wish to look at his sparkling eyes.

I felt, I lost attraction.

I felt, maybe it was one another crush to which I gave the name of love.

Then I noticed that there are times when we won't like ...

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love poetryloverelationshipsrelationship issuesfailed relationshipattraction

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