loneliness (Remove filter)

友人 (Yūjin)

I let loneliness devour my thoughts whole, 


As it ravenously waits to ingest my heart and take complete control, 


It feasts upon my joy leaving emptiness to consume my soul. 

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Long exposure lover

My lover lives inside of long exposures
She breathes inside of my flashlight 
The shutter gazes wide eyed into darkness
I write her notes with this wavering beam
Capture my fast fading dreams by sunrise 


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Wish You Well -Mental Health Awareness

How can one love someone when one can't love themselves.


Love was never anything they ever gotten or actually felt.


No one to ever check on your heart to make sure it was upkept.


From a child you held on to this misery & it crippled your health.


Afraid to talk about to family, & even friends, & too much pride to get help.


The buil...

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mental healthmental illnesswishing welllonelylonelinessdepressionupsetfeelings

Quarry Hill Flats

these days you order on line

vans implement your wishes

no cash shall change hands

for suds or tempting dishes


different when I was a lad

delivery boy on black bike

box of groceries out front

what immobile ladies like


up stone stairs and knock

"come in for a cup of tea!"

listening to old loneliness

smells of body odour, pee


dreaded old Mrs Granell...

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flatson-linedelivery boybikelonelinesssirennegligeesperm

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