The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Back in the late 90s when life was still simple but verging on breaking but little we knew 


We didn't have mobiles 

We would call up on landlines 


Meet there on time 

Back then the sky seemed more blue 


Dance college limbering 

Boys cloakrooms mingling 

Latin American dance

Silvers and leotard..tap shoes and ballet shoes 

Jazz boots and shiny sweat pa...

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DancedramaLiverpool theatre school


in my soul she dances on,

tuned to a polka her feet,

swish of expensive velvet

big teeth white and neat


dance band chords echo

wind and brass combine

but can't erase the stink

of spilt burnt turpentine


smoke up my nostrils

provoked by her deeds

loung lizards basking

careless of my needs


tunes one after another

standards she'd adored

at her f...

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A circular ceremony
A weighted embrace

Flowing free and being me
Living for the spin and feeling weightless in its flow

Inside this circle no one can touch me and I am whole
The centre of my own universe connected to the earth and the sky 
A child playing in a hoop

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hoophoolahoopDancingspinningflow artsmovementdance

Music To Live By

In films
they always have music
for all their moments.
I've wished I could.

If I had
my own song playing,
my own vibrant tune 
to live by,
I could dance
through life.

In films
you always know
the dramatic moments;
programs us to think
our own lives are empty,
or that we cannot dance
without a tune.

When the truth is
that we are full
with the power to create;
our own rhyth...

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dancemeditationmusicpath of liferhythmsongtruth

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