betrayal (Remove filter)
The Four New MUSKateers
This sonnet critiques the dangerous alliance between powerful tech moguls and a corrupt political figure, symbolised by the "four musketeers" who bow to Trump’s person, influence and might. It explores their sycophantic behaviour, the manipulation of media, and the betrayal of values for profit and power. The poem hopefully paints a chilling portrait of cowardice dressed as strength and the erosio...
Sunday 19th January 2025 4:29 pm
The Year of the “Dead“ - Gloomy end-of-year thoughts
A year unfolds where silence reigned supreme,
A hollow life devoid of hope’s faint gleam.
No voices called, no hands reached out in kind,
To soothe the scars etched deep within my mind.
So-called companions faded, turned to mist,
Their fleeting presence barely had me missed.
I dialed their numbers, waited by the phone,
But met a cold, unyielding dial tone.
Saturday 21st December 2024 7:41 am
I gave my all into this dhit
I put everything I had into this bitch
Just to get chewed up
Left dying,crying, lying in a ditch
Painful eyes from crying
Lonely nights, I was dying
For all the times, I was coming up and could only afford to feed you; and not myself
This for all the ones I left, even when u couldn’t let me be myself
I put myself on the shelf just so u co...
Monday 28th October 2024 1:47 pm
A tapestry of lives gone by
A tapestry of lives gone by
Rich threads from what we cry
Frays of the past evoking
Gaze of the future corrupting
My stream carries its fallen leaves
Its purpose only defined by what it receives
Broken mind and beaten guilt
A blackened soul only I have built
Tears like beads down a porcelain doll
She is there to no longer make me whole
As I possessed a poiso...
Sunday 18th August 2024 8:24 pm
In the sun you hear me cry
In the moon you see me stand
I rise to your call
I fall to your mercy
My hands rest on your knees
My head bowed in your heart
Too much for me
Too much for sin
Sunday 18th August 2024 11:22 am
I am a son of the heavens.
I do not fall,
I can only fly.
The way the wind whispers
determines my path.
It has never once led me astray.
A gentle breeze ruffles my feathers,
while the sun's bright smile warms my face.
Clouds dance above my weightless form,
forming all kinds of shapes to entertain.
The world turns as do I.
Leaping carelessly through the endless sky...
Thursday 20th June 2024 9:22 pm
Let them Think...
Every day,
Travelling through Life,
We encounter Them,
Some, maybe true,
Yet many,
They have,
An ever changing mind,
Facing me,
They call me sweet,
Behind my back?
They say I'm rude,
They call me good,
Then say I'm bad,
They say you're the Best,
And then?
Whatever they want,
Whoever they be,
Let them say,
Tuesday 29th August 2023 9:33 am
refusal is slow
i'll be honest,
I refuse to love you.
my chest sits in knots
even in this revelation
the would-be butterflies remain trampled
and God knows they fly all around him
im not sure they even had the chance
to cocoon, your slime-gripped words
of small flames devoured their bloom.
No. Yes. No, im not bitter. Im selfish.
I'm greedy with want, a desire-is-me factory of production
I hold ...
Sunday 27th November 2022 4:26 pm
Love is Strange
Love is a strange thing isn't it. Many got blessed by the love as it transformed their lives picking them up from bottom and taking them to the heights of the sky. And for some its a curse that only put sorrow and misery in their lives.
Once someone said something very beautiful about love and who loves the most a man or a woman.
By every mistake a man made and woman forgives just adds ...
Thursday 27th October 2022 6:02 am
My Life (A Sadist Person) - Agonizing Words
Living a sad life, in a bad way.
Doing al-kinda stuff in a bad way
found love but it slipped away
waiting for the end as I sway
In beginning, it wasn't this bad at all
but my stupid decision created this down-fall
looking at a tree wondering if it's tall
so I can hang myself to end it all
falling for love was great
but falling in betrayal invites hate,
Now this agony, sorrow, and pai...
Tuesday 5th July 2022 8:00 am
Trust, Love and Betrayal - Agonizing Words
Have you ever wondered that in our life betrayal is something that everyone has faced at times when it was least expected? Why does it happen only when we think or we expect that this can't happen to us? Or at times when things were going smoothly in our lives then out of the sudden betrayal shows its presence, like wassup my ...
Sunday 3rd July 2022 8:14 am
Yours Forever | Agonizing Words
From unseen messages,
And unanswered calls.
One day you'll realize that
There's someone dying just to be heard.
Looking for that one person
To be there for them.
When they need you the most.
They are the last ones there to be seen,
And that's very mean.
I just wanna be heard
When I'm about to burst.
I feel like drowning in the flood
Of my own tears with a greater thrust.
Sunday 3rd July 2022 8:04 am
Keep Smiling | Agonizing Words
Sometimes when a relation ends
You often look back at him and
Find him smiling with others so
So just think that he was never yours.
But by that moment you don't realize
What he's hiding behind that smile.
You'd never know what he's been through
And still unable to get over it.
But he just can't express what he feels
So he just ignores it all and smile back.
Sunday 3rd July 2022 7:53 am
In The Garden Of Gethsemane
In The Garden Of Gethsemane
Crucifixion Charlie
Never one to miss
The chance to bring his Saviour down
With a Judas kiss
Sitting in the shadows
Full of vinegar and piss
Hammer and nails ready
For a martyr such as this
Resurrection Charlie
Basking in the glow
Of a joyous blessed outcome
And a dose of ‘told you so’
Never doubted for a minute
Tuesday 16th November 2021 11:32 am
in my cupboards
skeletons hang
still mouths strangers to the songs they sang
I take them out
bone-dry and hoar
wan skulls shorn of the locks they wore
pelvic sculptures
sharp as a blade
silent shrines to hectic love they made
bereft of flesh
that lit my fire
no lithe joints but threads of thin wire
hot tears drop on
memories clean,
Monday 25th October 2021 10:41 am
she conjured my fate
juggled my dreams
with her visions my memory teems
I was treading water
sitting on my hands
she took me off to distant lands
hands that soothed
performed illusions
making sense of my delusions
shelter in her cloak
solace from her eyes
with my pain her mercy vies
that charming smile
she shone abroad
seemed to lift my...
Saturday 4th September 2021 10:07 am
Blue Sheets
the tears are gone
her eyes are dry
dawn breaks unblinking in the sky
I've confessed all
my conscience clean
surprised she did not make a scene
all those women
the casual lies
yet no questions or fluttering whys
no hint of shock
her sheets are blue;
I told her what she already knew
she'd sucked it up
loved me so much
forgiven all just f...
Thursday 2nd September 2021 10:27 am
things used to be simple
lovers dawning undiluted
before he turned up and
left my dreams polluted
I knew she had a history
you sensed it in her eyes
she'd seen many lovers
said a host of goodbyes
hoped she'd seen sense
woken up and matured
that restless streak still
her carnal urges cured
my money she was after
I knew it from the start
Monday 30th August 2021 11:08 am
At The Grave Of St Valentine
there's a point on the map when
doubts and desapir veer to meet
and idly parade nowhere down a
lonely slum of a one-way street
no compass charts this latitude
where time gross reality bends
for its a quarter of lifeless loss
the geography where love ends
I've drifted here so many times
its memories my endless bane
before me for I sense a reprise
I am sure...
Sunday 14th February 2021 11:16 am
Two Cats
Oscar is the light of her life
in bed she nips off his ticks
drowns them in water, she's
dispensed with other pricks
but Oscar meets his nemesis
she's spurned him for Teddie
he's well-bred and better-hung
soon they were going steady
locked out of her bedroom
Oscar hear animal sounds
tackle cut off long ago, now
his mistress out of bounds
hissing a...
Thursday 17th December 2020 11:20 am
Once Lost is Lost Forever
Coitus routine
Communication forced
I sit bewildered
Feeling used
With no one to blame
For I indeed
Should be the accused
I stare at you
But you're not there
You've been replaced
Replaced by fear
I long to see you again
The man I met
Friday 9th October 2020 3:56 am
Constancy and Betrayal
I was enjoying sitting in the garden, pondering the beauty and the timelessness of nature, compared to the fickleness and unreliability we see in our leaders and found myself writing a villanelle. First draft below – may yet be edited but I wanted to share it now.
Reminders of a life, a dream now torn
Scabia, flags and tulips, forget me nots
Behind the privet hedge a rolling lawn
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 3:37 pm
Everest Rose
cold roses strewn secured my love
engendering that rude wayward fire
moving my heart to defy tomorrow
trapping me amid my frank desire
she left only thorns stuck in my mind
without a word I was left overturned
ship-wrecked shocked and abandoned
I watched from afar as my life burned
her place was rank with faded roses
the old perfume of eternal betrayal
in he...
Tuesday 25th August 2020 11:39 am
Our (Mis)Fortune
Your hand slips into mine,
the fortune-teller notices
our smiles with glittering eyes
she’s convinced
there’s a future between us
she smiles & invites us in
Laying down cards one by one
it reveals the betrayal and secrets
that will keep us
from the love that has swept us into a whirlwind
We turn to each other stunned
but a laugh begins,
she replies, “Sorry, no refunds”
Tuesday 21st April 2020 5:04 am
In the midst of a pandemic
Your biggest concern happens to be
My weight
And yet the bliss of the pandemic
Was not having to hear you
The deadweight
I was wondering when your time would come
To be quite honest I was surprised
You are a little late
Here's your rescinded wedding invitation
Not that we planned it to your taste
It's on this perfectly whit...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 1:11 am
Real Is Rare
The real is rare,
The fake doesn't care...
One who ought to be dear;
Alas! Brings despair.
My search goes everywhere,
To meet the one who's sincere.
That one supposed to bring cheer,
And no trick play, only an option fair.
Happiest I was when he was near,
He wouldn't let my eyes shed a tear...
In my loneliness I sometimes still fear,
Where I lost him, why...
Tuesday 30th July 2019 7:20 pm
Sorry, I'm temporarily done
Sorry buddy for what's gone on
If only you had actually known
How much that I sacrificed for you
And this friendship that I thought was true
I honestly stood by you always
I was the friend that would have stayed
But in the end it was you that betrayed
Me in the most hurtful of ways
We had a history that we kept a mystery
Because it wasn't knowledge that we wanted freed
Why is that a...
Friday 7th September 2018 6:02 pm
Grand betrayal
You're reaching out.
You're pleading.
Hands to the sky,
Heavy heart beating.
Knees to the ground,
And the rain falls.
Peace couldn't be found,
So you put up these walls.
In an empty broken place,
Never a smile on your pained face...
And you let the darkness sink in,
When all you needed was ONE friend,
But time and time, over again,
No one was there for you in...
Friday 15th June 2018 8:02 pm
Him. #1
I never knew How beautiful brown eyes were until I stared into his.
I never knew that I liked high defined cheekbones until I purposely made him laugh just so I could admire him.
I never knew tattoos looked so good on caramel brown skin.
I never knew I could fall in love with him.
I never ever knew you could lie with someone who isn’t the one you love.
I never knew yo...
Friday 2nd March 2018 3:10 pm
All Dead
In the Springtime of my growing
The Summer of my knowing
Sown were the seeds for all my hopes and dreams
Through the rain and muddy water
There came up fragile flowers
To share with all my lovers
Where I expected trees
Being young, naive, and caring
I left my gate for sharing
Now trampled are my flowers
Trampled by my lovers
And the feet of many others
...Saturday 25th November 2017 2:08 pm
don't burn.
to you,
i am nothing.
every memory
every laugh
every smile
every tear
every mistake
every argument
every compliment
is nothing.
i could never compare
to weed
according to you.
i could never compare
to autism and down syndrome jokes
according to you.
my love for you
the fact that you're my best friend
the things you've help...
Sunday 19th November 2017 1:18 am
I Lied
I have lied for so long I cant remember the truth,
Even though this is something I should,
I have lied for so long it has become my norm,
But when the lies are exposed, it will be a man-made storm.
I have lied to the very people I pretend to be close too,
Only for me to fool them all,
I feel I have been betrayed by the very people that love me,
However after all this...
Thursday 6th April 2017 4:53 pm
He left
He left
He left behind his broken wife and his scared son
He left
He left us cold, all alone with no one
He left
The vows, they meant nothing
The promises, broken
I just wish we meant something
More than just empty words spoken
I cried for days at a time
My young son wiped every tear
Leaving us was a crime
And now, it's been 1 year
Sunday 1st January 2017 11:32 pm
Trust is an illusion
Trust is an illusion. A systematically flawed word. A total forgery of a statement. Trust assumes infallibility - without errors, mistakes or fuck ups. How do we trust others when we can't even trust ourselves .. If the potential gain outweighs the potential risk we're likely to oblige. Whether the repercussions be momentary or long standing, we're going to indulge in whatever we feel is beneficia...
Tuesday 11th October 2016 8:40 pm
(with apologies to Lewis Carroll)
‘Twas Brexit, and the slithy Gove
did frottercrutch in dwarfish glee;
he snicker-snacked the Camerove,
Beware the stabberjock, my son!
The empty eyes, the robo-glint!
who fellobrates the Murdocrone
the Ruperturtle übergimp!
He pallerised the BoJo cloon
they chummed upon their sunderbus
emblazoned it with fibberoons
and ba...
Monday 4th July 2016 9:45 am
Betrayal stabs like a dagger,
Cutting slices of my heart into 10 million scattered pieces,
The open wound lingers eternally,
Blood clots clump into a swamp of hate and anger,
The horizon does not rebirth the putrid, frozen tissue,
Feelings of filth and deceit seep through every cell of my dying body,
The bond that was once so strong rots into the sewage of what ...
Thursday 23rd June 2016 4:08 pm
Eyes so dark like drowning in molten mystery
Your stare shatters my resolve
A seraphic touch played its music on my skin
Your hands lead me into danger
A rhythmical voice that unburdens my heart
Your song confuses my mind
A remembered dream that torments my sleep
Your face impregnates the screen
Once my lover now my friend
Your silence screams at me
Betrayal bites the hand that fed...
Tuesday 26th January 2016 11:12 am
To the Girl in the Oak Tree
As you sit a top the branches
Of this ancient temple old and wise
Without a worry or a care
Shielding sunlight from your eyes
Can you see the woman down below?
Her face is full of fear
She has a tale she needs to tell
But, not one you'll want to hear
No fairytale of love and hope
This memoir from within
But a nightmare from which she waits
For her life to begin
You see, not long from...
Thursday 7th January 2016 6:25 pm
Secondhand Merchandise
You want a bit of me, don’t you?
Although I have a previous owner
You are tempted; I could be yours
I warn you, I’ve been well worn
There are a few rips and tears scarring my history
I am faded; my image only just visible
But, you’re secretly impressed
You’ve been after one like me for years
Hunt me down
Make your offer
Try me
No need to wear me in
Soft, smooth,...
Friday 25th September 2015 8:55 am
Creatives Collide
Stop standing on my shadow
Why are you trying to hijack my dreams?
Do you want to be like me?
Do you want to stop me from being myself?
You say you want to inspire me
I feel you conspire against me
Two lovers of creativity
Your opinion of you, far exceeds
That of me.
Edging further forward
Trying to establish yourself
As the master of our trade
At m...
Friday 11th July 2014 8:30 pm
Upon the Tiber’s sacred banks,
the black grape waters idly lap
like wine within a swirling cup,
the sleek and bloodied entrails spill
between my stiff and shaking hands
to roll and coil on sun baked dust.
I see a crown of laurels there,
all seeped in false and guilty tears,
and at its heart a bitter hate,
its innards twisted like this lamb.
The noblest Rom...
Thursday 21st February 2013 10:24 am
Stark Distillation
Monday 27th February 2012 2:21 pm
So tell me, is it because I dared to do what I wasn’t meant to
that you turned against me?
Having feelings for my sworn enemy, doing the thing I was sworn
not to, my love turning me a traitor to my cause,
my religion and all my beliefs?
The way the cards fall are often the strangest hand of all.
To save an enemy from the grave, her grave,
Monday 17th October 2011 10:41 pm
Could Have
Friday 7th October 2011 8:45 am
Release of the Chameleon
Saturday 13th March 2010 1:25 am
Gone is the mind where love and hope once played,
She feels the urge to paint a world with blood.
She watches moonlight dance along the blade.
She dreams a world of red in every shade,
Would banish all the rainbow if she could.
Gone is the mind where love and hope once played.
All trust now shredded, reason torn and frayed,
A hollow corpse where once a woman stood;
She watches moonlight dance along th...
Thursday 13th August 2009 12:49 pm
Stark Distillation
A slight departure from my more usual styles, an experiment in harsh revelation...
Stark Distillation
Wilt thou distill my bleating heart
To extract the spirit of love within?
Bottled in glass will it smell of pine
As just now it must within my breast
Take it then and rid me of its odour
Soured by the heat of your betrayal
Leave me no trace to fester as I sleep, but
Bury me deep...
Saturday 25th July 2009 9:34 am
Wait For The Flag To Unfurl
So you come to me and say 'I'm free'
And you claim all your words are true
Then you run from me, saying 'Set me Free'
Such confusion runs through you
Some years I spent in quiet retreat
Without such strife if incomplete
Dont play these games no more with me
Far better I'm left to rot in solitary
Each time you've run and turned again
And its truly sad to see your pain
But when ind...
Friday 24th July 2009 11:16 pm
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