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CHILDREN (Remove filter)

Have a Try

Hi I am Mary and my cat is Bill

who’s green and fat but never ill

he loves to talk and can’t sit still

and often colors to get his fill

drawing pink penguins and orange

dolphins of each both had a million

cousins I said

“who could imagine that…such a funny cat!”  

“but it’s easy,” Bill replied without fear

“all you need is hold what’s dear”

so don’t be shy do have a t...

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shynesschildrenpoemcourageovercome adversity

Completely New

It’s usually said 

sometime with dread

when excited there’s no head


and that’s very true 

the brain often flew

wanting something new


can’t stay still very long

I’m up and quickly gone

feeling wonderfully strong 


I’m a child of eight 

who wont stop even at a gate

for this is going to be GREAT!!


and should you be able to stay 

lots of fun co...

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Blue Cow Delight

How could it be a cow blue as the sky

if it had wings I’m sure it would fly

and what of its milk they said chocolate was

served only on full moon simply because  

the taste so delicate went straight to the head 

with special powers even turning grass red

but of blue cows and moons 

both can’t be found soon

takes a special kind of eye  

in the right type of sky  

so th...

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If We Love It...

What if those cells collide
what if the world beats to a different rhythm
What if our path is forked
What direction will we take
What if we have no choice
for the first time in our lives

What if things go smoothly
What if then we're three
What if it gets hard at times
What if we do our best
What if something 
we never thought was in us
well, what if it suits us

What if there's a n...

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Children in the war

A child is stuck in the war

Her screams are unheard in her throat

Her mother is bleeding

In the ruins of the kitchen

Another child is running

To the ocean in her dream

The bullets do not seem

To let her go a single step

Another child is lying

Under the old pink blanket

With prayers in her whispers

Wanting to be deaf

To be deaf to the bombs

Falling from the ch...

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war poetrywarchildren

Monday in Tier 4, New Year Jan 4

Facebook is full of futility;
pandemic emotional ping pong
vapid mini Directors spouting “truth”
proving a point to the other side

The class divide is dividing us,
fuelled by media-driven Morgans 
who needs to create division to thrive
pointless pricks with absent minds
Propaganda piloted, spoon-feeding 

Humans walk past Joe the homeless, 
humming on their way into work
happily stil...

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ChildrenfamilyhomelessLockdownMediaparentsTiers; Covidworking

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