The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Despair (Remove filter)

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Then the photos appear

I never see them coming

That need for revelation

Emotionally so numbing


Image of ex-husband

Faces of cheeky kids

This woman has lived

My life hit the skids


Tales come with the pics

Stories of her family life

Domestic ups and downs

How she fared as a wife


All I feel is hot shame

Angry at what I missed

Wife, kids, annive...

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alien planetdespairimagesmisfitphotosshamestoriesvacuum

Inconsequential Madness

Fires seething, breathing, spewing forth
Molten vulgarities unto this earth,

Feeding on the despair and indifference of
A society that has rid itself of all those things
Which are true and good,

Nothing is intolerable anymore, for the flames
Have consumed all, beggar and borrower alike,
And smothered nature's sight,

For the heart which cannot see shall be mute to
All that could open...

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Karma the Uninspired Bitch

Everyone's asleep

Silently I weep

Misery boiling 

Anger steep 

What one sows 

Isn't that what they're supposed to reap? 


Why do I remain good

Continue to be kind

Try ever so hard to preserve my mind

Karma seems to lack purpose

Or simply ignores the concept of time.


Doesn't my pain matter

My life unrecognizable and tattered

Am I that good at pretendi...

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Angerdespairfrustrationlifemental healthsurvival

No Tomorrow In Your Eyes

You need hope to see a future

Without that there's only despair

That's the lesson you taught me

When you told me you didn't care


There was no tomorrow in your eyes

Only dead ashes from yesterday

There was no tomorrow in your eyes

My future's upped and flown away


Our journey's come to to dead end

I'm backed up against a concrete wall

Even now I'm hoping again...

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tomorroweyeshopedespairashescrystal ball

Desolation of Z

Dark and bleak and empty and bare
This life is hard.. I hate it here.
Voided, eroded, saddened... barren of joy
Helpless, hopeless, soulless... a plain white wall
Mopey, lonely, gloomy...why even try
Hungerless, Sleepless, motionless...I might just die
Drowning, not breathing, cant gasp for air
Quiet pain, drenched in rain, not one care
Deserted, isolated, distressed and bored
want to, ...

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Dont ignoreDesolationdespairsadhopelessfutilityBe a friendDepression bipolar hopeless alonesave someonepainpoetrylitcreativewritingmiseryvoi


Shadows of a face I see

Pain oozing beyond every pore

Blissful smells

mocking empty arms

Worthless words that shatter my core


Shadows reflect in the mirror for me

Dust resting in places not seen

Unnoticed stains

Caress faded floors

Memories blurring from what could have been 


Shadows saturate the world that I see

Dying embers of defeated hope 

Tainted ...

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A Thousand Years of Peace

I used to think it would be an honor 
to usher in a thousand years of peace,
a willing martyr to stop senseless suffering, 
but I had no idea of the atrocities 
that would ensue between men,
or the loss of innocent children 
that we would witness with despair 
and helplessness. 

Come now Lord, end the madness, 
flood evil with love,
make our planet a peaceful place, 
before all hope i...

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