spring (Remove filter)
Auntie's Clock
With pride of place, as tall as me
Only more alive
Regular as clock-work it got polished
Or wound for its chimes.
In between she used to say (knowing my mother)
"Don't mind her, you're as good as anyone" but later
Few women polished me, let alone wound my spring
I never kept good time or chimed and
Rarely got listened to
I'm ticking over now
Monday 25th May 2020 11:13 am
Love Blossoms
Every year
In her own time
She comes
Our moments are brief
But this I can rely on
Her scent is sweet
Her beauty exquisite
O, how I long for the days
When our eyes finally meet
Thursday 9th April 2020 7:37 am
Call the trade descriptions police...we've been sold the wrong spring this year!!!!
Like a metal coil
In a tense, uncertain
And when the pressure is
Many mere mortals, by then
They thought that
Was daffodils
Now life has fallen
Almost still
Invisible, silent, viral
The question is
Do we
...Wednesday 25th March 2020 4:44 pm
Ghost spring
Ghostly creatures.
Distance, restriction,
Non existing life.
I miss deep kisses
And hands on my body.
I miss warm words
And expression.
Nature goes on,
Blossoming in competition,
Nurture me with sunny spells
On empty train stations.
Spring in my heart,
But not in other's hearts.
I want to explode,
So full of life.
Blow all the ghosts away,
Past shadows of the winter.
Saturday 14th March 2020 12:45 pm
We adore the spring, such lovely weather,
When blue sky and sun come out together.
The blossom blooms, as do the flowers,
And we may expect some April showers.
See chirping birds and buzzing bees.
Feel the temperate air and gentle breeze.
View the plants and trees, we see them greening
And may be time for us to start spring cleaning
What a perfect time to be outside.
To roam thi...
Sunday 1st March 2020 10:58 am
Swallowed by the Shine of the Sun
Sitting in the sun
Soaking up the warmth
Staring out into the distance
Hoping that something will change
Every time I’m in the light
With the rustle of leaves
And birds flying by
Whistling to their mates
Signaling Spring is here
Everything finally feels right
[Feb 2020]
Monday 24th February 2020 3:28 am
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