The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Advent 2020

Image courtesy of Marilylle Soveran and Flickr; Creative Commons.




Hard to believe that it's December and we're coming to the end of a year that has presented many challenges. In the Christian tradition, candles are lit for Advent, representing hope, love, joy, peace, and the light of the world. This year we're waiting for vaccines, an end to lockdowns and tiers and I've tried to ...

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Imitating Nature

Give me grace as a tree…
Give me power as the leaf…
And the friendship of the grass
If I fall.
I wouldn’t mind if I
Had the freedom of the sky,
And the warmth of the sunlight
On the earth.

Give me a song as the sea…
Play me music like the breeze…
And the comfort of the silence
Of the night.
I will not mind at all.
I will be one part of it all.
And rejoice at the splendour 
Of the ...

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Mambo Moment

We interrupt our program 
to bring this important 

Amid the chaos and confusion,
be on the lookout for a  
a mambo moment, 

where you suddenly break 
into song and dance, 
forget your cares, 
live in the moment, 
feel the rhythm of life. 

A mambo moment often appears 
out of nowhere, at the most 
unexpected time.

Those around may think
you lost your mind,
but the...

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Mrs Smith

A pale face, dark eyes, an uneasy smile,

Surrounded by a mass of tangly black curls,

She sat in that circle

Unengaged, aloof, disruptive,

There for everyone else’s sake

But her own.

Trapped in a world by demons who

Would let her see another way

But kept her from it because

It wouldn’t serve their obsessive needs.

Within screaming distance but held behind thick glass,


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Black Ringlets

It seems yesterday the house was full

Nothing seemed beyond our reach

We dashed about with endless brio

Spent days on end at the beach


I recall how you laughed and cried

The endless smiles adorning your face

Years have brought changes to our joy

Now life seems such a different place


I loved your black ringlets

That brightened every day

Your hair grew old as ...

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black ringletsjoysilver greywisdomillnessapathypain

Fill me.

Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.

Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.


Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.

Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.


Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.

Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.


Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.

Covering all lu...

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You Have My Heart

When you give someone your heart

They have it and that's just that

There's no feeling of loss or of something missing 

Simply joy as you realised you had it to give

And gave it willingly, without doubt

Knowing it sits safe with the one you love

You have my heart

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