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you know how it go(freeform)

pull out thre trigger u know how it go 

call up lil leek cuz he still got that 4

when I'm down bad I do not got nopbody

release all my problems when I drink this bottle 

still fucking hoes man I just fucked this model 

nobody know about all of my problems 

call up tequila u know she gon solve it 

I wanna stop drinking but I got nobody 

I try to reach out but they always dec...

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painlovehateparentsSelf-doubtaddictionalcoholalcoholicsubstance abusealonedepressionpoetry2019drug abuselonelynessangerregretsuicide


Set my heart free of chain
Don't break my heart again
Live your world keep me alone
I regret to be yours at all.

Since we met on that "…." Day 
You're still acting the play 
How to believe yourself today 
since you're hiding your goal. 

God helps guilty to regret
But you decided and insist 
Only to make mistakes a lot 
Now get ready to stop or fall.

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