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Good for You

Good for you,
    found your flow.
Good for you,
    got that healthy glow.
Good for you,
    navigating storms like a willow.
Good for you,
    used your pain as fuel to grow.
Good for you,
    no more living on tiptoe.
Good for you,
    no longer afraid of the scarecrow.
Good for you,
    escaped the tornado.
Good for you,
    found your rainbow.
Good for you,
    taking time to...

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average joedarkness to lightenlightenedfaithindigo childinspiring poemlightloverelationshipsstormsstrengthsuccessvangogh

Her Name Is E...

A day without E is better off Breathless,

May my soul escape if my stream is empty.


Seek and find the girl named E,

packed with love she doesn't discriminate,

Her race is spectrum body tailored to your preference.


Undergo E she'll turn the toughest man empathetic.

Open your eyes wide as the sky,

Her love brings out a high unreal,

to experience one must be willing ...

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addictaddictiondeepDrugslovepassionpassionatepoemreal lifereflections


Forgive me, for not 
being the mother 
you needed me to be.

For being too busy,
too naive to see 
what was happening 
in front of me.

For being silent
when your father 
screamed and demeaned.

For when I thought it
was sweet that your 
boyfriend carried you
to your room when you 
"fell asleep".

For not enough hugs
and too many lectures.

For not seeing the signs
of addict...

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addictionconnectiondaughterfaithforgivenessfamilyhealinghellhero's journeyloverecoveryrelationships

Sub Rosa

Where once her warm and sanguine heart

fell ashen grey to rest in cold base dirt

high over the familiar bush and shrub

proud crimson blooms pine for love  


Where their sacred beauty sings to my heart

they call forth the lovely nightingale

high in their cloudless summer sky

to sweetly sing their longing song


There, I too confess a secret yearning

silent hidden d...

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The Mother To All

She’s a bright star, within the unlit night 

Guiding others through, the tough thing, that we call life 

Her strength is beyond admirable to all 

And even if she should ever fall 

She would somehow, pull though 

The things, that to others, it would inevitably un-do 

Her beauty and grace, isn’t just a way to save face 

She's had to fight great wars, every single day 

Even wh...

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battlebeautybest friendcompassionfriendshipgenerocitykindnesslovemental healthmothermother to allpainsaviourselflessselflessnessstrengthstrugglethe one true motherwar

The wait

I'm missing you..

like the sea misses the shore,

Like the mountains miss the bluebells

in the cold, 

like the earth misses the sun at night



the waves should learn

to wait till the tide is high,

& the mountains must know

to endure till spring,

& earth till the dawn arrives.


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lovemissing youunrequited love

A Letter


Kind, brilliant, bright

Strong and gentle


Understand how to see and feel

Appreciate the beauty that is


Cherish it

In its incredible, ever changing, unpredictability

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Moral Abyss

Meet me in the 

moral abyss, 

the interwebs

of eternal bliss,

where we will 

confirm our love 

with a virtual kiss. 


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Long distance Love

Days pass way too fast

It's hard to invision, that we'll last

Running onwards, aimlessly

Without allowing our truths, to set us free


When will we gain control?

Stop plodding on too slow?

Not one of us really knows,

We just continue with the flow


I dream of the day, they set us free

Finally able to live the way, we want to be

Just me and you for eternity


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hurtlimbolong distancelong distance lovelovelove poemslove poetrypainromanceromantic poetrysad love poetrytrappedunconditional love

Twisted Love

Love once bloomed 
like a fragrant flower
in eternal spring.

Through years of 
torrential summer tears, 
then droughts,

the scent faded.

All that seemingly remains
are scorched petals that drop 
like dead leaves in fall.

But, far beneath 
the frozen surface, 
intertwined roots run deep...

Making our twisted love 
hardy, to weather the 
toughest seasons.


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Category 5

When I think of you, I am flooded with a million emotions
A wave
A wave so big it could take out the world
My world 
And that it did
I haven’t been the same since I met you. 
I’m part to blame for that
You are quick on your feet
Charming, witty, and handsome
Oh so handsome
I opened the flood gates 
I welcomed in the storm
The perfect storm that you are 
But little did i know it was hu...

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damagedloverelationship breakup

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