The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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It was black and white

for a while


Until the first line

was drawn


Then the pale grey people

the people who could only draw

a black cross

in a white box

began to sense

other possibilities

shading the palette


The colours of debate

splashed clumsily

over everything:

the harsh red of anger

the yellow of injustice

screaming crimson

a har...

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There are people ...

There are warm people, like the summer sun,

Like the gentle wind and like the children fun.

They warm you to the very bottom of the heart

 Their word treats you like a fine art.


There are warm people, like dear hands,

They send the light to all the lands

They calm you down in moments of dashing,

They support you when you need anything.

God bless you, my darlings!


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In a year long

I'll be laughing in the hot sun
When this is all gone
In a year long
This will be my song
I'll  finally feel strong

Today I might ache
But it will not stay
Tomorrow, I'll be okay
And one day, I pray
It'll go forever away

I'll be laughing in the hot sun
When this is all gone
In a year long
This will be my song
I'll finally feel strong

Yesterday was scary
My head tried to hurt ...

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can do thishurtmental healthmental painoptimismoptomisticPainpastpeoplephysical healthphysical painsongstrengthstrongtime healswe got thisyear

Sins of the sacred

Music fades away when you arrive
Spreading the doom with every stride
The stare of hatred locked in your eyes
Sinister cravings behind sacred lies

You want me to beg
You want me to look
You want me to bend
And follow your rules

Judging from throne made out of gold
Taken from people that you control
Deep in your cave, the smell of decay
Surrounded by slaves, you feist on their brain


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Common Interests

There is a room where these people go, 

All share something in common, 

They sit there, pondering, 

'Why is this happening to me?' 


They could spend hours, days, weeks, months or even years in this room, 

These people are not together, 

In fact they are all alone, 

What do they have in common? 

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This life, this people, this city.

All living in a certain geographical area – here, this city.

Dying eventually, one day which only God knows.

Today under a tram or of old age.

This city with many names, is it like your city?

I know you were a cold war target, so were we.

People make love, fight, laugh, cry

in your city just like in my city.

You have been...

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The Bridges I Never Burn

All the goodbyes Ive never said

They haunt me, like some unfinished business. 

Im always wondering who is away from me, that is not supposed to be. 

Who did I cast away after prides were hurt?

Where are those who hesitantly walked away, while they looked back and noticed I wasnt following?


Oh, who are you kidding?

You give way too many chances. 

Face it.

With some, you...

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