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Spring (Remove filter)

Winter turns to Spring

I recalled a dream
When winter's steely claw
clasped around my form
and vice-like held me.
Calmly stifling me of my senses,
numbing me of any feeling,
cramping and stamping out life.
It was a moment frozen in time.

Then I was awoken by a sound unheard.

A thawing feeling travelled first
from my inner being to the outer extremities.
A warmth began to flow through my limbs.
A glow app...

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The breath of an early dawn in Spring

Is like a choir eager to sing

To remind us of all that life can bring

The renewal of hopes and dreams that cling


From the early times when life was young

And we found ourselves adrift among

Fellow beings like flotsam flung

On some strange shore to which we clung,


Each with an unspoken fate to face

Engaged in some unspoken r...

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Spring and Summer


Spring and summer

Butterflies flutter

Today may be hot

Like boiling water in a pot,

But I will play outside anyway….

….because today is a special day.


The sun rays are glistening beams of light

With beautiful birds in flight

This is the reason,

Why I love the season.


How about spring?

You might never know what it will bring.

Now the winter is over...

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Glancing from window

Into soft white snow wrapping

Signs of spring?


Long yellow catkins from twisted hazel

Where remains of distressed thoughts hung

Decaying yet diminishing as troubles often do


Frozen pond where jelly spawn from

Spent dead frogs was now protected

Ready to emerge as warmth re-appeared.


Tender plants pausing 


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