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philosophy (Remove filter)

What I Never Told My Students About Descartes

When teaching Descartes, I dutifully described his dualism in detail.

 I discussed his importance as the father of modernism,

But also his common ground with scholasticism.


Together we examined the ways he attempted to prove God

And the reliability of both mathematics and his own senses.

Also, some biographical information including his early education,

Military service, tra...

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Our strange stay here on Earth

We did not ask for this

We cannot control what we must

We can only rise to the times

And do what we see as right

There is no one there to listen

No parent in the sky

We are the author of our souls

The believer in our faith

Children of the universe

Intellect and compassion?

Built solely from an interplay of atomic particles

Our strange stay here on Earth

The true...

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To walk among ruins

To walk among ruins is to realize the fragility of life

To connect with those who came before

To observe commonalties,

To puzzle at differences

To marvel at ingenuity

To hear their voices echoed in stones that have stood for thousands of years

Inevitably, to misunderstand the message

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