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Parallel Echoes of Love

In the long small hours of dark                 Through the later time of darkness

I pause and gaze out at the stars              As we lay entwined beneath the moon


Somehow the frosted ground                    The nightly scene now sacred

Sharpens the air and the starlight             Welcomes the soft moonglow


Which lights my very soul:                        Entering both...

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My Muse

The chaos in my mind
is killing me,
my life, a bad trip
on LSD
a rush to the brain,
serotonin, dopamine
all at once shining
blue light
a mind so open,
a heart so full,
such peace,
the sweetest sleep.

Memories are mirages,
I cannot reach.

A sinking feeling,
a dread inside around I go,
again and again,
down the rabbit hole,
just once more,
one last time
looking for a ...

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Candlelit Cigarette

All these new things, 


Time passes through me like a breeze - 

But the hours feel like eternity. 

These cigarettes hurt me, 

But I can still breathe - 

My heart skipping beats - 


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Abandoned Houses

Take me to the woods to rip out my soul -

Kill me and bury me in a deep, dark hole.

Kiss me,


In abandoned houses,

Listening to my heart scream -

Drowing out the loudness.

Photos forever of jumping trampolines,

And a mother suffering silently,


Sleeping on the floor with the sick kittens -

Wondering where I put the sandwich I bit in

Which tree...

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kisseslovelovelymental healthpassionpoempoetry

Cheap Mascara

Did you ever try to accept me,

Instead of avoiding me?

Or drinking me away?

Because I tried everything,

Just to make you smile at me,

But I could never make you laugh,

But I smiled constantly -

Like a fool.

Caring for you.

Because sometimes I couldn’t sleep because I was too excited to be in love with you

But sleep to you was like a breath -

And I was always your p...

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And then


            at my source

I was lost to your ocean.


Flowing... your endless bounty stole my direction

            your depths embraced

            your corals welcomed my load

I drowned in your currents.


My hands caressed

your waves

My body plumbed

your deepest sounds

Your pools



Your tides were constant

            I sw...

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Restless: my body is your ocean; my limbs the currents of the sea

You float on my waves - sink only a little

I hold your sacred vessel safe - we become one:

A perfect balance of forces

Your body runs its course through my being

I feel you cleave my waves

I know you as we sink

Black waters closing

And I know you as we rise

I hold you to float above the tide as we burst th...

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I’ll meet you at sunrise 
in a past life. 
Amber moon burns the sky, 
I await dawn, 
the changing light. 
I think of you and I smile inside. 
Deep with passion, 
you make me feel so alive.


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passionlove poems


Ah! I loved you!


Lost to your soul,

            I bared my heart


Within your mind

            I held my heart...


            as if all hearts sang with mine

                        as if all lips knew


I felt your blood pulse

            and heat my soul

            as your hair scourged my body


                        (Ah! I loved your hair!)


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loveobsessionpassionworshipdesirelove poemromancebody

Golden Hues

Can't write a line for the fire 
burning in my mind. 
An ocean of flames, 
she ignites inside. 
A passion so deep, 
I thought long ago died. 
I buried it down 
and now it does rise.

I see a beauty in her eyes, 
a spark that's hard to define, 
even harder to find. 
Her smile sets the soul alight 
and I bask in the glory 
of her perfect light.

When I listen to you read,
such a fee...

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Rainbow Dream

Pure gold she is, 
pure gold to me, 
pure sunlight amber glow, 
pure moonlight true blue, 
purple green,
pure red, a dream,
pure starlight white, 
pure light defined. 

So much light 
she puts inside, 
she glows, it flows, 
heart no more dark 
shades bend blue.  
My soul she does kiss open, 
a vast array of colour erupts, 
whole inside 
she leaves me always
complete ecstasy infin...

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Your Tune.

In the creases of a crumpled T-shirt,
the darkening orbit of an orange pasta stain,
the unhinged playfulness of bright and living eyes…
the golden curls like mazes of cornfields – no way out –
The type you just want to twist around your finger –
I noticed you.
In the unrestrained laughter,
I would recall each word that tumbled from your lips
And hang on them, swing from them,
like branche...

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A word of the heart

Born deep in the being,

            resonant with the land's love  



A word for the soul

Harmonic with soft timbre,

            warmed on heart's ember



A word from the deep

Breathed only in love -

            impossible to deny



A word never of the brain

Soft spoke; heart's heat


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Pure Ecstasy

It started out basic, 
the way any friendship does 
but inside each new day 
it grew and grew. 
Such a burn in my soul 
makes my feet itch 
and the heart does yearn 
to be with you. 

So nervous you make me, 
ecstatic too. 
Makes me so shy, 
makes the heart cry, 
makes my mind wild,
such a drive inside.
My soul soars 
at the sound of your words. 
A voice so divine 

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desirepassionLyrics. Poetry




What is your passion in life

what's the last thing you

think about at night? 

What motivates your soul 

what dwells inside your mind

do you have any goals? 

Oh I get it, you're only here for the show 

but when the those lights turn off, 

where will you go? 

What will you show for yourself 

what do you think makes you a man?

Is it doing this or doing...

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There is no meaning

            and no sense,

            only clarity


I loved you and my heart began -

            past years unknown

            past pulse forgot


            Love created  

            our heart defined

            our lips sang

            our hands mapped



I loved you with my eyes          ...

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I got poems 
in my heart for you 
but I can't get them out. 
For weeks now 
I've been writing you 
inside my mind, 
playing with the words, 
looking for the rhyme. 

You stop time 
with your eyes 
you own me complete 
the blue and the green 
inside a fury 
of colour and dreams.

A maddening desire 
you ignite inside, 
keeps me up 
most nights I can't sleep 
because I'm lost in ...

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When we were young

we raged against the storm

biting at our hormones,

engulfing our senses

and our sensibilities.


The deep penetrating

oxblood on our

Doctor Martin boots


to an indignant sheen.


Pre-conditioner hair,

split ends and acne,

Shredded Wheat moustache.

A groove worn on the chin

by pondering fingers.


Myopic ...

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Silver Light

I see the blue purple
when I look 
into the blue green.
I see it crystal, 
pure and true
and my feeling 
comes in like a flood,
pure white 
unconditional love.
A bond for life, 
no matter the strife.

She’s an angel in my mind,
queen of my wonderland,
captain of my ship 
and my stormy sea 
she does command.
She’s a shining star 
in no man’s land.
She brings to me 
the sweetest ...

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desireLovelove longing distancepassion

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