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Competition closes in 60 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #14 {My Story}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #14} {My Story}




The word's of


dream's from

that certain

person has been


written on the

walls inked

down `n` linked

straight to my

soul that gives

me that courage

`n` strengths to

fight `n` my

battle because

I'll always

survive if it

takes the last

breaths in me


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diary of the southern queenfeeling'sinspirationlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetrysurvivorthinking out loudTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwriting poemswriting poetrywriting short poemswriting short poetry

How Blessed I Am To Have You

{How Blessed I Am To Have You} 



I couldn't

even start to

fathom how

blessed I am

to have you in

this life with

me and in any

other life~time

before and here

after and no

matter where

or when I would

always still 

choose to fall in

love with you

my darling







©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover...

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hopeless romanticlove poemlife of the peoplethe world around meinspirationlove poetryloving for himOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetryromancestoriesTina Glover

My Muse

The chaos in my mind
is killing me,
my life, a bad trip
on LSD
a rush to the brain,
serotonin, dopamine
all at once shining
blue light
a mind so open,
a heart so full,
such peace,
the sweetest sleep.

Memories are mirages,
I cannot reach.

A sinking feeling,
a dread inside around I go,
again and again,
down the rabbit hole,
just once more,
one last time
looking for a ...

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Interview with myself on my poetical journey with poems included

Affinity with words has been part of me since trying to decipher little card cut words given by a teacher, but my journey into poetry began in 2002 when something changed the course of my life as surely as a strong tiller on a lightweight boat, or piece of drift wood caught in a strong current.
Before that I was as a sycamore seed spiralling every which way in winds. What happened caused my ship ...

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interviewpoetryjourneyPerformance Poetsinspiration


In the midst of the summer
As back to school gets closer; troubles linger
I stopped for awhile to ease my mind
Get to the highest point to get a look
The creation and destruction of us

The best thing in my sight is the sunrise
Rising over the mountain
With no rush it peeps; then make a grand entry
I wish the life in you is the one in me
To be the light of this world
So selfless and uns...

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inspirationthinking while dreaming


I was waiting 
for the rain to stop 
for the sun to shine 
in the rising moon 
for a sign 
for the light
to set fire 
to the rhyme 
inside my mind 
so I can forget myself
and fall out of time.


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Rainbow Dream

Pure gold she is, 
pure gold to me, 
pure sunlight amber glow, 
pure moonlight true blue, 
purple green,
pure red, a dream,
pure starlight white, 
pure light defined. 

So much light 
she puts inside, 
she glows, it flows, 
heart no more dark 
shades bend blue.  
My soul she does kiss open, 
a vast array of colour erupts, 
whole inside 
she leaves me always
complete ecstasy infin...

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Take Steps

Don't worry if the path you travel is crooked, 
your destination is not clear, 
the turns you make misguided,
the route a little obscured. 
Each step you chose to wander, may be a step too far,
but the journey shapes your future and makes you what you are. 
Past steps they are not wasted, they shaped your inner soul. 
They led you to your future, 
guided an inner goal. 
Every inch is wort...

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Inspirationmental health

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