unrequited love (Remove filter)
Fresh 2 decades later
Although fate,
Distance and time
Cruelly put asunder
You an indifferent girl
And I a self concious
Boy lover
Two decades later,
Lately ,I saw you
A mesmeric lady
With a son
And a daughter,
Full of life
And laughter.
Once again
Your voice
In my cloud
Shrouded heart
Rang a bell
To a paradise
That could
Change a hell.
Your sunrise
"I know you exist!" smile
Still has power
Thursday 15th December 2016 2:13 pm
Unrequited Love
Unrequited love is the destruction of the heart
It is walking across an endless desert occupied with faded mirages that show you beauty like never before
Constantly consumed by its wonder, constantly consumed by the despair for your love for it
She is the mirage, you are the lonley aching fool in an endless desert
You are the one slowly suffocating by the boundless intesity of what you...
Tuesday 27th September 2016 5:03 pm
Battle of our chests
There is a war rallied between our hearts:
some people say love,
other people play love.
But when life becomes a game,
when words can only be spoken by characters,
when breath can only be projected by theatre
then I lose myself...so you lose me....and I risk losing you....
And the curtains fall shut -
Shows over.
And the dice stops rolling -
We lost the bet.
Tuesday 31st May 2016 1:33 am
You blew across the sky
a bird, black against the cloud
your wings beating hard
the way I was beating too
And for a moment…
I felt so alive
You slipped through
grazing my sooty skies
these pearly stars
squealing in your wake
And for a moment…
I felt so alive
Was there something more
that we were supposed to do
some other experience
we should have expected to share
Thursday 3rd March 2016 11:06 pm
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