grief (Remove filter)
I Need to Grieve
Need to grieve,
but this makes
everyone else sad.
But I need
to let it out.
And instead
I get frustrated
and a little mad.
Wednesday 14th September 2016 3:03 am
Grief eases
When grief consumes completely,
And tears cease only from exhaustion.
When life has stolen what you love,
And you droop like a flowers wilting deterioration.
Remind yourself, even though you cannot see it,
These wretched feelings are not your jail,
This will not forever be it.
You will again find laughter in life,
The beauty in the world, love and light.
Do not underestimate how hard t...
Tuesday 30th August 2016 3:56 pm
Merle Gibson: Rose from the Dead
When Merle died it was a sorry affair.
After hating us all her life
she wanted to be close with us in the end.
Lol, who had always seen the good in her
brought her back to life briefly on the last day,
which had shown how much he meant to her I suppose.
But cats are only meant to last a certain amount of time-
less than what should be a life time,
more than some marr...
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 11:31 am
Fighting the demons
There you go again
Fighting a battle hard to win
Facing every demon
That is stuck inside your head
All the secrets that are kept within
Every weakness and sin
They are ever screaming
Ripping your soul to shreds
Do not listen, my friend
Find a way to wear thin
The voices forever misleading
That you cannot move ahead
Never let them win
You can...
Tuesday 12th July 2016 11:32 pm
The man who would never surrender
Look over there,
Sat in that comfy reclining chair,
Is a man so wise and strong,
With so much knowledge which was seldom wrong.
The way his eyes would sparkle when he laughed,
And his cheesy smile on all his photographs.
His daytime nap making a little snore,
Is he really asleep? I think as I open the door.
He was such a good old joker,
Yet kept a face as straight a...
Thursday 7th July 2016 12:02 pm
I hate this world
Without you it has one less beautiful soul
I sit here seething
Thinking of how good people die while others keep breathing
How can I make the world a better place
All the while trying to hide the tears on my face
I want to be part of a standing ovation
But how can I do that with no motivation
To change the world one child at a time
To give all I have, ...
Monday 20th June 2016 3:04 pm
Missing you
The world is dull without your sparkle,
No noise as sweet as your laughter.
Your loss has left me with no understanding,
An emptiness I can not fill.
As I trudge through the mundane,
I impatiently wait to join you.
But as I pray for peace and acceptance,
Your love surrounds me like a warm blanket
And temporarily hides the cold.
Sunday 19th June 2016 4:20 pm
Coat of Armor
I wear a coat of armor
A full-body suit to protect my inner self
A shield against the outside world
But, every once in a while I forget a piece
And when I do it's the most important one
So, if you see me and I'm not put together
Please be gentle and approach with care
For you see, when I do forget a piece
It's always my heart that shows.
Sunday 19th June 2016 3:58 pm
Sunday 19th June 2016 2:36 pm
I see you there
Invisible, but still I stare
Ever smiling at me
Happy just to be
My mind plays tricks
As my emotions mix
Heartbroken but relentless
Chaos then calmness
Ever fighting for peace
Your memory will not cease
Until you are transformed
We will have to resist the storm
Your love gives us hope
As we walk along a tightrope
Learning to ...
Sunday 19th June 2016 2:16 pm
I've reached my goal weight
I think to myself
But don't ask how I did it
You don't want to know
That depression and anxiety
Is causing my body to change
That trips to the gym
Are only to get through the mundane
Don't tell me I look good
Because deep down inside
Looks don't really matter
When your life is full of pain
Sunday 19th June 2016 2:12 pm
I didn't tell you my feelings,
Looking for sympathy.
I know you've read stories
And have friends just like me.
So, I'll hear every word
And nod respectfully.
But, what I really needed
Is something that you can not see.
Open your mind, unguard your heart
And listen attentively.
Sunday 19th June 2016 2:08 pm
Like traveling through quicksand
Slow and dirty
If you stop, even if only for a moment
You start sinking
There is no letting go or going back
So, you must keep going
To trudge on no matter what
No matter how deep you sink
How filthy or tired you get
To fight on through the grit and grime
To scream and curse
And claw your way from the depths
To stumble on until y...
Sunday 19th June 2016 2:01 pm
Day to Twilight
As the day turns to twilight,
I sit and wonder what would be.
Would your smile be as bright?
With dark blue eyes that see.
Would you stay up late at night?
Sitting upon Daddy's knee.
Would you still let me hold you tight?
Snuggling as we watch T.V.
Would you care for sissy with all your might?
As you sing and play carefree.
Would your golden hair still shine in the li...
Sunday 19th June 2016 1:37 pm
Bitter Sweet Dreams
When your in my dreams it's bitter sweet.
I can see your smile
Hear your voice
Feel your touch
Taste your kiss
Smell your skin
But when my eyes open your gone again.
Tuesday 26th April 2016 12:38 am
Never Ending Loop
I miss you the most on Friday and Saturday nights
Whether you were here with me or on the phone
When we would be settling down for the night
Making plans for the weekend
Saying goodnight
Now all I have are horrible thoughts and images running through my head
Tuesday 26th April 2016 12:36 am
Coming out of shock
Everyday it gets more and more real.
When I see your name on our son's emergency contact list
When I want to message you about something dumb someone said at work so we can laugh
When I can't reach for the phone to call you
When I pass by one of our spots
Everyday is lonely
Everyday is miserable
Everyday I lose you all over again.
Tuesday 26th April 2016 12:31 am
I will crave your touch until we meet again.
All I can do now is close my eyes and hope to dream of you.
Tuesday 26th April 2016 12:27 am
Your face
Your voice
Your laugh
Your smell
Your dumb jokes
Your made up song lyrics
The way you always made me feel beautiful
The way you always loved me
The way you always chose me
I simply miss your everything.
Tuesday 26th April 2016 12:24 am
On the death of David Bowie (By Emma/written in 2 minutes when I woke up!)
So I hear from you all that he has died,
the man that touched so many lives.
He has not left you in your heart,
now it's time to do your part,
keep his music alive through the dark.
His shining light will never depart.
He left a legacy to show,
his wishes for those who know.
Never let your creativity die,
From the starman waiting in the sky.
Tuesday 12th January 2016 9:38 am
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