Family (Remove filter)
An illness is vicious
Any can be frightful from pneumonia to cancer
It’ll make all of your loved ones suspicious
Now the worst isn’t the goodbying
Losing your roar as your fire burns out is
Or never being able to kiss your beautiful wife once you’re dying
Smoking your last cigarette
Your lungs fill with smoke and doubt
Your chances of living are to those of Rus...
Monday 19th December 2016 5:31 pm
Gene Trap
The sin of the father is the sin of the son
From, anger, to greed, to lust, every family has one
But to better ourselves and our own families
We try to be better, though it brings us to our knees
Though we try to be better, genetics and us
Work together as well as an old blunderbuss
In the hands of a fool, none the wise
To the power...
Monday 19th September 2016 12:40 am
Far Away
Maybe it’s those absent eyes,
gone searching for their better days,
that give away your hide and seek disguise
and tell me that you’re far away.
Are you back in New York,
chasing that old American dream
through the concrete foundations
on which you built our family's beam?
Or are you in Wigan’s Central park,
in Billy Boston’s Empire State,
watching Warriors paint the town red
then p...
Tuesday 6th September 2016 9:30 pm
Grief eases
When grief consumes completely,
And tears cease only from exhaustion.
When life has stolen what you love,
And you droop like a flowers wilting deterioration.
Remind yourself, even though you cannot see it,
These wretched feelings are not your jail,
This will not forever be it.
You will again find laughter in life,
The beauty in the world, love and light.
Do not underestimate how hard t...
Tuesday 30th August 2016 3:56 pm
The flower head is set to burst wide open.
Dormant in this tired space,
Matured and rooted by the year,
It sways in gentle rhythm with this slowing autumn time.
Bulging now with future life, it stands
As testament to nature’s cycle.
Soon its seeds will spread afar,
Exploding silent and unseen, like time and time before.
And from the casting of those flyspeck seeds
Monday 1st August 2016 7:46 pm
My my how they've grown
those little ones with new and
weighty lives of their own
pecks on the cheek on arrival and departure
at our height, though we feel
the diminution of age.
already driving, commanding troops
with phones, and it seems that
we are at the top and bottom
of all this splendour, emerging
from a sublime challenge, waiting for ne...
Tuesday 19th July 2016 3:33 pm
my cousin simone
Now let me tell you a little rhyme,
About one of the greatest cousins of all time.
She’s feisty, funny and all so pretty,
Plus did i mention she’s all so witty.
She has hair so long and fair, I can’t help but stop and stare.
She set up her own little business,
Which was all about food forgiveness,
Promoting her juice plus,
Which she goes to meetings to discuss.
How these...
Saturday 9th July 2016 3:32 pm
I miss my brother
I miss my brother
I miss my friend
Think of all the places we could have been
Although I know I can not hide
I should be there by your side
But then I see this look in your eyes
I have lost my brother, yet he's still alive
Your the only friend I could sit in peace
And see the world. It's queens and beasts. So is there hope because your still breathing? Or have i lost ...
Sunday 5th June 2016 7:54 pm
Your born into a family
No one knows why
Is it souls recconecting
Or random out of the sky
You learn lessons from all
Good and bad
But family is something not everyone has
Some endlessly search with false expectations
And some find love with no altercations.
Open your mind and then you will see
Family is nothing different than a tree
Leaves will come and go while branches will ...
Sunday 5th June 2016 7:42 pm
He nods to one side
Gives in to a few minutes
Maybe half an hour’s worth of tiredness.
In his bungalow
Time is stood still
Mid afternoon melts in through the curtains
Through the half open window.
Outside impatient young mums
Scold their primary school children for wanting to go on the swings
When they just want to get back home
And plant them in front of the tv
Sunday 22nd May 2016 9:31 pm
My Hero
When you are a teenager,
You might get asked who your hero is.
And answers may vary
From celebrities to parents.
But my hero is my brother.
My brother is my hero because,
He always cares for me
And he never gives up on you,
No matter who you are.
He's caring,
And so much more.
My brother is my hero because
When I'm i...
Thursday 7th April 2016 3:13 pm
Do you love me now?
Do you love me now?
After I’ve gone to such lengths to straighten out
the kinks and fill in the chinks in my armour.
I try to smile and look respectable,
though it’s my reputation on the line and not yours,
and here the line is curved and squiggly.
It’s not just god, faith and honour anymore,
though I’m willing to try, even if the cost is terrible.
Do you love me now?
...Monday 28th March 2016 5:19 pm
Thursday, Pt.2
The Prelude to the weekend
where people drink till the wee hours of the night
hoping to finally take flight away from the stress of the past three days.
Knowing that these moments never last forever
that is why families stay tighter than leather.
fly under any weather.
Distance is obsolete when it comes to this family
varying directions we may be in our lives,
yet when we r...
Sunday 7th February 2016 5:28 pm
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