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Religion (Remove filter)

Good Times

Good Times

Cold light of dusk
illuminated through
these stained glass windows.
Candles lit for saints and sinners
cast dancing shadows
on the marbled aisles.
Prayers for lost souls,
mumbled in archaic prose
to heighten sense
of magic and reverence.

      Sign of the Cross.
               Body of Christ.
      Blood of Christ
Soul of Man

The burnt rag smell
of i...

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Ann Maguirechild killerinfamyreligionsins of the childteacher killed

In the name of God and Satan

(I'm aware this is a controversial poem and I hope not to offend anyone but I make no conclusions, I only ask questions)

The nature was deteriorating.
The sky was falling down,
raining pieces of ashy soot,
crashing and burning
and you weren't there.
Why weren't you there?
The birds squawked and screeched
and in-between their cries were mine, calling
and I was reaching out to you.
I ask...

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The radio on your alarm switches on at 3am, 
unbeckoned.  The voice of a nighttime preacher 
speaking forgiveness onto dead waves.  It begins 
in your dreams, and only later do you realize 
his voice is not water spilling from a crack in a brick wall.  

You bring your fingers to your face, listening 
to the voice, which is not fire, telling you 
you are loved by an empty sky.  He...

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Malefic Condescension: Tearing Down Heaven III


     Is the unguidable wilderness distant nature of the Mother of all Gods' bargain, Every sin confidence is a cold denial infinite bet confession labyrinth of words hoping She'll  awaken to faith gesture and play the secrecy threat of Her oft benign cross empathetic dead hand!

     Just another running card eternity drawn breath Sunday without god... gag, Her augmented li(f)e o...

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Malefic Condescension: Dose of Heaven... II

Over death,

      Achieving nectar dose of the god's karma never cared much at all lost dreams, The unfathomable infinite sandcastling cosmos, Realm of golden aptitude desire tests, Where the children of Buddha's eternal poverty war are forever subdued by avarice... Inside, Stagger as if cosmic winter recital blind, Waging every swollen consciousness sedated by snake apathy rolled eye no take...

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poetryactivismsocial commentaryreligionmental healthvillain of truth

Malefic Condescension : Grace's Parasite

Kill off the infection,

     A belief against the invisible court of justice, Wherein love is no longer held libel as the greatest of every moment's existence value... The difference between intolerance compelled lethargic inaction versus the any second creeping essence affliction of the empathetic imagination engine must survive the spread of difference across our lives, Surmounting the conv...

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micropoetryspoken wordequalityreligionsocial commentarysocial stigmamental healthvillain of truth

Malefic Condescension: Unto God

I swear,

      The first hypnosis occurred as he stare down from the broken white portrayal hearted cross, An unholy smoke justification to put greed forward any cause, without delving to the bottom of a pretend whisky spine glass, where desperately intolerant profit dreams seem wasted if kept immortally repressed in a book of uncommitted commandments entitled: Equinox Psalm of Offences, neve...

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acceptanceeqaulityjutonmental healthreligionsocial commentarysocial stigmavillain of truth

Malefic Condescension: Wrought by You I

Drawing worthless diction as fire,

       Pictures of hope via inaudibly denouncing marionette's adorning a threat of silence augmented memory shrapnel ache crown, Unholy is the bargain of karma's fallen god betting delicate righteous amputated feeding gold hand, Wherein Avarice' nurtured greed lies unnaturally skin apparently injected confession awoken, Bruised tongue & wicked attention ...

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spoken wordequalitydomestic violencereligionvillain of truthJuton

Malefic Condescension: Shedding Heaven's Walls I


     Is the unguidable wilderness distant nature of the Mother of all Gods' bargain, Every sin confide ants is a cold denial infinite bet confession labyrinth of words hoping She'll  awaken to faith gesture and play the secrecy threat of Her oft benign cross empathetic dead hand!

     Just another running card eternity drawn breath Sunday without god... gag, Her augmented li(f)e...

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micropoetryreligionpoetryconsciousnessoccupy artvillain of truthjutonequality

To a Church II


      The memory ache music fades and the emotional context is stripped away, The choir's recital is no longer libel, Singing their eyes are filled with the equity of selfish tears, For glory's pathetic streets of fortune gold their voices aspire, Beseeching the chemical faith reaction of hope's unleashed intellectual awareness prison, Authentically resilient is the currency of our beau...

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Poetryspoken wordwritten spoken wordjutonvillain of truthoccupyreligion

After Everyone is Dead

Everything that will happen has already happened.
This rain is making the grass greener and
these diseased birds are eating the garbage
from the ground.  God continues to text us
encouragement although standard messaging fees apply.

The streetlights will turn green even if
no one is there to drive away,
the bread will turn bad in the freezer
no matter how tightly you wrap it,
and I have...

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godreligionexistentialismearthnatureflowers optimism happiness

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