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Fuck You

I have done nothing to this world,
and to those surronding me
to be treated liek this, or to have such pain.
I've did ntohing, but cared, loved, and trusted.
I've did all that I possibly could,
but I guess that didn't matter: now did it?

Becuase people like you
still treat me like crap,
people still take advantage of me
when I have trusted them the most,
and people still don't give two...

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carelovetrustedworldshitfuck youhate

Butterfly & Snake

Once upon a time on a warm sunny day

The snake has been chasing the butterfly,

Trying to catch her on its flying way.

The color of sunshine on the wings of flight,

The beauty met with the horror and fright.

The fear of being swallowed

Gave the butterfly strength.

It seemed she could overcome any length.

She flew further and further away,

Saving her life on a warm sunny d...

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Living the Eternity

You walk
You stand
You speak
Then you are quiet
You love
You hate
You fight
You make peace
You cry
You laugh
You live
You die
And you live again

You inhale so many lifetimes,
Your home is the universe,
Your time is eternity.

Words you speak are never silent,
Deeds of yours are never unseen,
Steps you take never fade,
Emotions you share always felt.

We often ask the questi...

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Burning Books

Listen not unto the lie that stings the lips.
Witness not the act that stays a pitied mind.
Speak not of the hatred that will crack the whips.
Let not those insidious be here enshrined.

Trample not upon the freedoms of your kin.
Take not which was never here for you to own.
Read not of the bitterness that splits the skin.
Write not of the malice that shatters the bone.

Reason with the ...

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White Feather

White Feather

I didn’t see her pass me in the street,
the woman with the husband at the front,
but felt the tell-tale tickle of a feather -
pressed discreetly soft against my palm.
The accusation whispered in a hate-filled voice,
“Coward”, dripped with venom from her lips
and I assumed she talked to me, although I couldn’t see
if the feather in my hand was truly white.
For I had returne...

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conscientious objectorcowardicehatemissunderstandingpacifistwar poetrywhite featherWW1SITWB

A Ring

The children dance round and round, They speak the old familiar words, Things their parents also heard, They sing and laugh and all fall down.

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Under The Bridge

Under The Bridge

hunched up like a demon
grotesque and out of shape
tip tip tapping on the keyboard
mouth permanently agape
looking for hurt and misery
searching out the weak
twisted soul and brainless
an ever growing clique
devouring our innocence
inflicting further pain
they look for human tragedy
their claws dig in again
we cannot understand them
so we underestimate
their capac...

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internettrollhateignoreseek out & destroykeyboard warriorsfeeding on pain

love like a bullet in the face

you are ticking the subscription of a shotgun smile

the restless reminder, the stranger behind you,

twice barrelled quarantine of lush glories

tar fingered around the ringed copper, broken and unworthy,

smoking in the buttoned up knowledge of hereditary tracts,

winter tracks and the plastic penance of a youthful slaver

“x” shan't mark the spot where we shall bury you

a shallow...

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