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In Limbo

She’s lost here somewhere,
Lost in limbo,
In these dark woods
Where we dare not go.
But I must find her
And bring her home.
She doesn’t belong here
Amongst the ravenous crows.

The moonlight spears
Like shards of blue glass
Through the thick canopy,
Piercing the black grass.
The trees block me
But I have a promise to keep
And I’ll push on through;
Miles to go bef...

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The Sparkle

The Sparkle


The Sparkle,

silver starlight in your eyes,

a soft touch

before we say goodbye.

It’s over too fast,

I hope this feeling will last

until the morning


The Sparkle

of teardrops on your cheek.

All my tears,

the happiness I seek

was over so fast,

I hope this pain won’t last

until the morning


The Sparkle,


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Endless miles of ocean stretching out before them,

compass needle wandering wildly, only option to fly

by the sun and hope for a miracle, their miracle.

Blue sky overhead for a thousand horizons,

nature’s world, mankind here is a guest,

as the small Electra plane is buffeted by turbulence,

two people aboard start to panic.

Where are we? We are...

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amelia earhartfred noonanelectra planeoceanlostflightmystery

For I am Gone

Do not look for me, for I am gone.
I am the silent songs of birds, the words
Of ancient etchings scratched off warm stones.
The lone tumbleweed on open sands,
Spreading nothing more across vast lands
And crashing into sparse trees.
I am the breeze on the path that is left behind.
The vacant mind of an elderly man captured
In a photograph. I am the white edge,
The ledge of a pr...

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Black Ocean


Black Ocean
by, Melissa R. Mendelson
Numbness is a blessing found deep within the bottle.  It absorbs all your pain, your frustration.  Life evaporates, and you drift away.  Darkness then awakens and lashes out like a hand raised so fast and slammed down hard against the one you loved.  Oblivion slips away, and anger grows fierce, determined to stay.  Nothing mattered.  Nobo...

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A face of steel is easy 
When hidden behind.
Lost in false hope,
Drowning under memories
That my shoulders cannot hold;
They buckle in sharp flaws.
Watch me break at dawn
And vanish into dust.
My soul entrenched
Under a cotton shroud,
Unable to rise.
I will never again stand 
So boldly.
Time, the only healer,
Has stopped,

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poempainlostbreak uphopelessdepressionsadnesslossfear


I see him at my window tonight.
The moon, full and bright
Casts his dark shadow onto an icy wall.
A familiar silhouette, unmistakable,
Pressed against the pane.
The cold melts his breath into feathery diamonds
Running in thin veins down the thick glass.
His face, hidden and veiled in black
Glances my way and nods;
I nod back
Acceptingly. Suddenly,
The glass no longer divid...

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