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Love (Remove filter)

Poem for a Barmaid

(Somewhat tongue in cheek but here we go . . .)


You’re not expecting the thunderbolt to hit

Then when it does it hits you like a brick

One minute innocent and unmoved

The next incensed with passion and feeling bemused


Lovely face and beautiful eyes

The curve of your body is no surprise

Your smile affects me so, I’m feeling weak

And like a fool I can h...

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girlgirl crushlove


Unsure, Unopposed

lying in my arms

fleeting captivity

of bittersweet blossom

transient beauty as it falls

melting into the ground

and you’re gone


© Katypoetess 2013



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lovelove poemlove poetry

Some Love


Some love is cold, some love is fire

Some love is nothing but sexual desire


Some love is warm some love is born

Some love’s a breeze and some is a storm


Some love glimmers in the dark of the night

Some love shines incredibly bright


Some love is unknown, some is foretold

Some love is silver, some love is gold


Some love is spoken, some...

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In Limbo

She’s lost here somewhere,
Lost in limbo,
In these dark woods
Where we dare not go.
But I must find her
And bring her home.
She doesn’t belong here
Amongst the ravenous crows.

The moonlight spears
Like shards of blue glass
Through the thick canopy,
Piercing the black grass.
The trees block me
But I have a promise to keep
And I’ll push on through;
Miles to go bef...

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Maybe - it was just sex and poetry passing through your modus operandi.

I am no Rossetti, Dickenson or Plath. My heart hung in front of my heroines.

Emotions could rival, but words brew clumsy and fall cumbersome at their feet.

Ink spurts and spills from between my legs, puddling and muddying an

indiscression from the master’s muse. Brooding time in surburban solicit...

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lovelove poetrylove poem

The Best

If I had that chance, I would keep giving you The best. 

Love making - hot tea served so dutifully, as I gently

steam each dream to wake you. Morning Molton Brown bath

with warm Christy towel to wrap around fervid hips after

I wash and caress every complex that doesn’t need cleansing.


When meeting your neuroses, I would heed the grumbles

chuntering a nonsense, that...

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lovelove poetrylove poem




no words

blood ricocheting

in all directions

going places

where blood should

smoothly flow

not rush headlong



made by sign

for dragging me

seventy miles

to see

your broken body

no words



is this it?

is this all there is?

will I live

the rest of my life


no wor...

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strokespeech lossmotherdeathlovewordsno words

She, Mourning

She pressed her hand against the marble, felt its words,
Ran her weathered finger through the crafted names.
Many faces that had long since adventured,
Left for others lingering to bear the pain.

The autumn sun caressed its face and warmed the stone,
She drew it through her skin and let it stay a while.
Her silver head was bowed, her company her own,
To spend a few more moments...

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