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The Sparkle

The Sparkle


The Sparkle,

silver starlight in your eyes,

a soft touch

before we say goodbye.

It’s over too fast,

I hope this feeling will last

until the morning


The Sparkle

of teardrops on your cheek.

All my tears,

the happiness I seek

was over so fast,

I hope this pain won’t last

until the morning


The Sparkle,


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I am You

I am the thought

I am the instant

I am the fleeting moment

I am deep inside the feeling

The feeling of you


I am the air

I am the breath

I am the swelling of your lungs

I am the sweet sensation on your lips

The words you speak for me


I am the deed

I am the action

I am the motion of your body

I am the drive that makes you go


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All I have to do
Is tip her…
All over my lips, at first, then
She starts to go down
Better than the rest
Her wicked whip of joy cracks with a satisfaction
Snatched euphoria glitters on a crush
And then, oh the rush!
She slips to that place only she knows
My god, she knows where to go
And knows what to do when she gets there
Which, naturally, she does, so quickl...

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I lived my life, most often, like a ghost,

ethereal, drifting from room to room,

a chill chasing me from pillar to post.


Rippling across the senses of those whom,

in solitude, sought meaning in their life

before they passed beyond it to the tomb.


I was not noticed by them, or my wife

who gladly let me rest in silent shade

whilst stab...

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My Beautiful Lie

I hide behind a lie forged by my hand,
Before this chiseled frame,  
Beyond the perfect shell they will not see my deceit
Thrown acrimoniously at their feet.
But they love the lie, the truth would only disappoint;
Disarray their shallow intentions,
After all, my invention pleases them
So why not let them drink up the joy
That it possesses? It impresses their eyes,
How the lies...

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Morning Shower



Your Katy, your Kitty courtesan. Running a disorderly house in this

goldfish bowl of hype. City hotel room, mountain topped veneered luxury.

Hearts beat dawn rhythm ridden hard and sodden in salted white sheets

while I whispered your name and the age you would die, in the dark.  


We refract against light that spears our skin through the curtains.

Silk and c...

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lovelove poetryerotic poetry

The Addict

It’s only one more
What harm will it do?
If you really loved me like I do with you
Then you’d let me just have it, no fussing or fighting,
Not sitting here giving me daggers, me lightning
And watching me suffer; I’ll make this the last,
I promise from this day forward I’ll fast
I’ll become a new man; just you wait and see,
But for now will you not be a bastard to me
And just h...

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The Cause Celebre

The Cause Celebre.


I felt it was fait accompli

that I would make a faux pas.

There would be something I didn’t see

and I would become her bête noire.

But I thought - Oh well – c’est la vie,

I had missed that je ne sais quoi

 ‘You never talk French to me!”

- her barbed coup de grace.

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lovefrenchlanguage of lovecause celebrerejection


He’s crazy

She’s crazy

It would never have worked

How could you?

He’s possessive

She’s obsessive

You would never have been happy

How could you?

Look how he treated you

Look how she behaved

You were never right for each other

How could you?

              Tighter, tie me tighter and take me
              you naughty girl, cum on me - now


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lovelove poemlove poetry

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