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What a life, running on twin rigid train tracks going to a certain point
but how easy it is to come off then end up hurt!
You see, this is life and we are all in it together coping how we can to do our bit.
I do things differently than you. Sometimes I succeed while others I fail.
At least when I’m down I can say I’m not the only one.
There are o...
Sunday 23rd December 2012 11:22 pm
There I stand in the bakery before the huge steel metal machine, 100 yards long and silver. A cake machine worth a mint. All sorts of ingredients thrown together to make cakes, quite a mix! You’d need to see it for yourself to understand what goes on. Not a case of add this and that to make a cake, oh no. Recipes and correct steps to take.
Think of the engineering that...
Monday 2nd July 2012 7:16 pm
Natalie. San Carlos Water and free download link
Natalie. San Carlos WaterPieces of flotsam and jetsam floated on the early evening tide. Turning this way and that, always in motion. Never still, each bit jostling with the other for a foothold on the sand, being denied by the rolling water. Little bits of detritus in the ocean. In time, all would be land born...
Friday 4th May 2012 11:30 pm
Old factory was due to be knocked down and turned into rubble, recycle the materials and use the land again. A new start? Yet this building is structurally fine, a few broken windows and missing tiles, the idea of demolition is okay but you lose the heritage and a piece of history. Is that a good thing? How about doing it up and converting it to flats?
Keeping the building...
Friday 2nd March 2012 11:58 pm
One Step Ahead
One Step Ahead
One step ahead of Imperial Japanese forces, we were kicked out of the Dutch East Indies fleeing for our lives. We escaped in Dutch Air Service Dornier 24 flying boats and others ending up at Broome, Australia. Free for now from the marauding Jap Zero fighters, they can’t catch us here!
Our Dornier is about to depart to sanctuary in southern Australia, we’re in the...
Wednesday 29th February 2012 2:23 pm
Once we had it all, I had a nice raven-haired girl, took her three kids
on all happy families. Guess I did love you, were we really soulmates?
Yet you were never a goth, never understood that side of me. My England
let me down, our goth bands died and pop took over, Atomic Kitten, no way!
We split, I went Norway, gothic metal heartland, black m...
Sunday 26th February 2012 2:34 pm
My town is a cool town, where you can go and drink beer in many pubs and clubs, from rock and metal ones to trendy dance bars. Fancy dancing the night away? Night clubs are open till gone 4am, with girls to dance close to and cocktail drinks to exotically drink. See a live band in The Abbey or Whittles, see a drag act in The Dog and Duck or try some Real Ales in The Upsteps.
Wednesday 1st February 2012 3:27 pm
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