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The Trumpeter


The war was all around

And the city was small.

The doctors laughed at him,

He was not like de Gaulle.


Well, may be the trumpeter?

OK, trumpeter, as a trumpeter!


Being a trumpeter is so good,

At least you don’t have to bow.

The bullets whistle over your head,

As the winds sometimes blow.


But why it happened like that?

For a boy ...

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Don't ever think that you could be naive,
just because violent deaths make you grieve,
for the choice to kill is itself an unwordly act,
beheading party goers is abhorrent, that's a fact
for to kill is only to invite revenge to come your way,
many can be sure that is how they will die one day.
In the long history of violence it is plain to see,
those that...

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no No NO NO!


Love is quite assuredly the only way,
as hatred never brings a bright new day,
we cannot make a future from reliving the past,
history clearly says those ways could never last,
death and destruction wastes the lives of innocents,
to carry on like that would just be moral impotence.
Make the world see that violence is little more than vile,
only with love ...

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Worlds Apart


The real world is different for those born within strife,
if they are lucky they may grow to become husband or wife,
but for many, boy soldiers is what they were forced to become,
only eleven years old, but still their burden is to carry a gun.
How many live long enough to know that there are other ways,
within another country they wouldn't have been made militar...

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Breathe in the Dust

I have my own little piece of the world.
Sure, it has its problems, but nothin’ too much.
It has its pleasures and there’s more than enough.
And I’ll share them with you; I will share them with you.

So, put down that rifle, and put down that gun.
Let’s take back those words that hatred begun.
Let’s tear down those icons that make us ignore
The cries of our own, the cries of our ...

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Natalie. Natalie and Nick


Natalie. Natalie and Nick

I forgive you Ruth for hurting me. Now I must move on and go far away from you. I’m getting married to my warrior friend. Please don’t be mad with me. I think you’d approve and like Natalie. She loves gothic music and even has a band called Mayo, never mind her tattoos and love of flying. Like you, she speaks to me in my dreams. Unlike you, she won’t ever hur...

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natalie and nickmalvinas and falklandsargentina and englandpeaceloveno war

The Sea















The Sea presses

the shoreline.


I listen to

the languid waves

sweep onto the shore.

The water flows softly.

This is a sound that I love.


The birds glide

like a dream on the water.

With full bellies they

fly off to their

homes and babies.


The bright...

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One Planet, One People


One planet, one people, 
one last chance to survive,
if we don't work together now, 
just how will our children thrive?
Take a fresh look at the facts,
and think hard for a while,
it makes sense to adopt peace,
so we can all eat and smile.
There's nothing hard about sharing,
we just need to put aside all the junk,
that's destined for the...

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