The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Religion (Remove filter)

My Opinion of the Christian God is shitty

My opinion of the Christian God is shitty,

I'll put my hand on the Bible and tell any girl she's pretty!

Like a homeless child clinging to a pipe for warmth, steaming

Flithy, but I'll give her a cleaning.

If you think there's a difference between Tories and Labour you're dreaming,

Like two junkies and one crack pipe they're fiending,

Besides all the power's with the cent...

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protestfreedomreligionfree verse


(A work in progress & in constant evolution...)


What would say William Blake if he saw this world post-revolution?

What would he say if he had been witness of the greatest cataclysm of

human heart?

What would he think about universalization when his gaze turned to

New America?

Can its spirit be dumb?


He  wrote an answer in the form of a lullaby.


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All things considered

It’s easy to become that which you preach

If you practice enough to believe it.


When wealth became your new religion

I longed for the time a lesser God

materially affected you.  Like Michael Foot


at least Jesus was a socialist.


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