Politics (Remove filter)
Make a stand
Make a stand
You can make a stand against wrong-doing or stand for what is right,
You can make a stand as a pacifist as to stand is not to fight.
You can make a stand with a fist aloft or stand with a lowered gaze,
You can make a stand that’s popular or stand without seeking praise.
You can make a stand by marching or stand up by sitting down,
You can make a stand if yo...
Sunday 27th November 2011 9:51 pm
Pursue Transparency
In veils of secrecy the captured states
Obscure the havens of the ultra-rich,
Who claim to hover in their global cloud;
Untouched, untaxable and out of reach.
They slip through loopholes spun, in legal webs,
By spider lawyers, lobbyists, - with bribes.
They loot our assets; dodge, evade and hide;
And multiply their influence round the globe.
Thursday 27th October 2011 9:24 am
Can't Be Indifferent
Honest people can’t be indifferent
To the satiation in Great Britain.
I was just smitten
By the news in the net.
The jet of vandalism has met with …
Was it a debt, which was kept….?
Can’t say where and in what,
But …some people forgot:
Democracy of our society
Looks like who is more mighty.
Alien war. Is it really an alien?
The human beings are ...
Tuesday 9th August 2011 9:55 pm
Equally bad (AKA Rantings of an antisexist man in a post-feminist world)
I may be a mister,
But sisters don’t get pissed yeah when I say in fact - I, am a feminist.
There seems to me to be a need for us to celebrate and debate the culture of nurture over greed,
Which appears an instinctively natural part of so many a female’s nature.
Maybe its origins historically are biological,
Isn’t it simple, obvious and logical,
That of the human races pair of parental par...
Monday 3rd January 2011 4:31 pm
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