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Hello Stirred relaunches at the lovely Sandbar on this Monday 1st November!



STIRRED: For women who write.

A night celebrating the work of current and forgotten female writers, open mic (men allowed if they read a female poet's poem too) female and male guest slots, unfabulous priz...

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womenpoetrygigsopen mic



I walk in the street,

don’t feel my feet.

I don’t walk, I swim

like a swan on a slow stream.

All women are just like women

but I am a queen,

I am on the scene,

Of course, I am not of a model height,

just a little bit overweight,

but…I’ve got so much charm,

and it’s written on my palm.

Yes, I can be sometimes  furious,

and as a woman I can be...

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There were six men in her life
And they all loved her, but...
Their love was so different.
The first one was very rich.
He loved her because she was beautiful.
He just wanted to have a doll,
To demonstrate her to everyone
And listen to everyones' saying:
"Wow! What a beauty you've got!"
So, she has left him.
The second one loved her because he loved sex
And all the time in...

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Woman's mood

No, I am not a beauty,

But I am simply cutey,

Someone says I am fluty

Hearing my voice.

No, I am not rude,

I just call things

By their proper names

And if you say my voice pings

I would better say it sings.

No, I am not ginger,

I am a golden grandeur,

And you see a danger

In my reddish hair,

It’s not fair my dear,

I am ...

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What do you wear Claire in the morning?

What do you wear Claire last thing at night?

What do you wear Claire?


Would you dare Claire?

In your underwear Claire



Doesn’t that feel right?

Would you do it just for spite

Like you did to me last night


You know just the right things to say Claire

Yeah, you certainly have a way Claire

About you

Don’t wanna be without you

Never gon...

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