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Stephen Gospage on Forgive, Not Forget
12 hours ago

Hélène on We Rise
15 hours ago

Tom Doolan on In Your Arms
17 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Return to Waterloo
19 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on One thing becomes another
20 hours ago

Mike Bartram on 'Baby Bear'
20 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
22 hours ago

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23 hours ago

K. Lynn on We Rise
23 hours ago



The best of lovers will one day part
and such sad moments break many a heart
maybe a lifetime together has then passed
or one has gone, leaving questions to be asked

But then after the love of your life has gone
can you find new strength to somehow carry on
will there be words from friends to impart any peace
while you struggle through each day until your final release

To each...

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Simply Time

Simply Time


With Crystal Ball, I might have found

Some way to weave my way through time

Instead, I played without the rules

Did it my way throughout the schools

Meandered free from guides or maps

Ate my meals from plates on laps

Camped and rambled, cycled too

My only aim - my love for you


Single till I sang your song

Wed while we were still so youn...

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I only glimpse it now, so far away, but bright and clear.

The rapture of  a fading world - another place, some other year.

Those nights of shattered moonlight strewn on marbled seas,

where frangipani whispers were caresses on the breeze.


From the shadow of the palms I watched you dance

the tideline, shed your silks, and with one glance

you robbed my soul and beckoned wit...

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she sits

she knits

the needles click

as strand by strand

in cracked crabbed hands

each stitch

might haul them

back to land


her days, her nights are one, the same -

a gift of darkness borne by grief

to wounds already salted well.

lips taste each quarter

of the wind; she hears the tides

advance, retreat -

as if in echoes from

some  ancient stranded shell.

she feels t...

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moving on

moving on


you wear your bones

on the outside now.

the smile that once danced

at all our parties,

now a recluse.

folded arms protect the place

where I once died

a past eternity of joys


you spit formalities begrudgingly,

take every chance to turn your face -

still managing to leave

a shadow of



i knot my tongue,

stem the flow of words;

worthless now, disarmed


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Two poems for lost love


A hearty breakfast

We take our coffee black these days,
Saccharined and sugar free.
Our milk of human kindness soured
To curds and whey, to you and me.
And over silent breakfasts sit.
Where headline barricades rise up.
We shed no tears for what was spilled,
When lips once kissed our loving cup.
Our toast is dry and always burned,
The marmalade, now bitter peel
And all we’ve left is crusts and...

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