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A Simple Question

I asked God, what is my purpose?

There was nothing, but the stillness of time

I asked Allah, what is my purpose? 

There was nothing, but the stillness of time

I asked the Buddha, what is my purpose?

There was nothing, but the stillness of time

I asked my daughter,  what is my purpose?

She said, with a wrinkled brow 

To be my Dad, of course 

To have met & married my Mam


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A Glimpse of Love

Love visited me but I couldn't let him in
He walked in with a hypnotizing smile
His eyes so beautiful they lured your soul
But love was not picturesque
So I refused to grant him a permit to stay
For love was not tall, dark or handsome
Love was like an adaptation of a Danielle Steele novel with  poor casting 
So I gave love a 1 star rating
Unlike the princess in a Disney film
I couldn't ki...

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girls and their nonsense.

floating in that acrid pool of nothingness, 

a feather kissed the tip of my nose and whispered softly over my face.

in that moment, decided. 

i watch the village of women who surround me each day, 

awash with a soft awe at their mossy eyes and woolen hands. 

i link arms with the girl i love most on a late night walk, 

running from the boy who asked me to give apart of myself.


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This Day

As we stroll,

the dusky pink of a morning sunrise 

turns the fields to candy floss. 

We get sticky and wet 

from the sweetest dew.

I stifle a yawn, 

and the softness and scent 

of moisturised skin 

briefly brushes the redness

of my sun-flushed cheek.

She smiles,

all dimples & eyes of blue serenity.

And, for a moment,

there is no world but us.


Later, w...

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So it ended before it began,
but I have no regrets nor sorrows..
It's as if I knew 
deep down my heart
that it never could be
like two rail tracks that'll never meet,
like the moon and the sun that'll never collide,
a mirage in the dunes, mistaken for the oasis for a while,
a book with only a prologue and an epilogue ,
with no chapters in between..
It's not that I don't care
or don't ha...

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loveLetting Goself love


I am the Tinker
I take everything apart
I learn how it works
I put it back together
I make it better
I am the Tinker

He is the Tinker
He sees something broken
He has just the thing to fix it
He digs through his collection
He finds the missing piece
He is the Tinker

She is the Tinker
She inspects the Tinker
She can see his ticking heart
She watches a screw fall
She gives the...

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after For M by Mikko Harvey


I didn't expect you to leave

red paint on my heart. 

Have you ever spoken

without the timbre of your gaze

turning words into molasses?

Well, if not, I think you should try. 

Follow my lead:

Emotion tied to twisted words and Pokemon is an odd combination.

I hope you know the melody of my laughter will be found in those words.


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Winter, is here. Am I?

This is inspiration from the ice breeze, and cold realisation with my love. 


Has it always been this cold?

I don't remember shivering so often. Nor my back cramping in pain.

Something is changing. Something is different. 

As weather patterns come and go, so do you.


How can it be that the amount of love I need, doesn't need me.

Doesn't come to me. Blows over my skin, ...

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Climateloverelationshipsdramasex lessweatherintimate

Animal Suicide

I tell you

I'll love you no matter what.


I don't care what they think, 

fuck their approval. 


And yet I find myself, 

crawling back.

Plagued with naive hope,

self-loathing weakness. 


A bird plucking its own feathers

one by one. 

Until all that's left

is an ugly mangled mass, 

defeated by its own destruction. 

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love poetrylovehuman natureNaturedestructive emotions

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