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 Over and over and over again

Over and over and over again
Thoughts of you  
Send shivers through the core of me
I want to wrap myself around you 
Dance and twirl 
To the music in my heart
Over and over and over again
Hot tears cascade
I repeat your name 
The familiar mantra
Filling my head
Killing me slowly
Over and over and over again

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I love you like....


I love you

like a sea loves the sunrise.

I love you

like the planes love the sky.

I love you

with all my soul strings.

And…if I had wings

I would fly over the mountains,

over the seas and oceans

with my sincere devotion,

for only one reason,

at any season,

to tell you

how much I love you.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

February 24th...

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a nonpareil


I saw the ragged crow

hover over gravestones

a twig almost a branch

clasped in his crusty beak


an offering to his raucous mate

a promise of love and nestbuilding

for in his beady little eye she –

the epitome of beauty shines

while he in handsomeness to her appears

a nonpareil.



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The Forgotten Valentine





Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.

In this life you wed young couples;
an act the Emperor would not permit.
And though your grace the monarch received,
your execution he did transmit.

Alas, with clubs and stones they came,
challenged by your fortitude gr...

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ValentineValentinesHeartsLoveYoung LoveWedding

Happy Valentine Day!


I congratulate all those

who are young at heart!

I congratulate you

with the day of highest feeling!

It burns in you and me

up to the madness,

up to the peeling.

I congratulate you all

with the love which is free!

I urge you to worship love!

I beg you not to be afraid of love.

Love as Saint Valentine!

Let your love always shine!

Let it b...

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What I'd like to do today


Mum, I’d like to come and

sit in your kitchen at the formica table

drink coffee, eat chocolate biscuits

in the warm

I’ve so much to tell you

we’d laugh about everything

forget me knots in the garden

the apple tree would be in blossom


Dad, I’d like to visit you today

see what you’ve been up to

we’d go to your workshop

I’d sit on your paint...

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It's so very touching


It's so very touching

the way you taunt

and tease me

with your tightly pursed lips

and your expanding hips


It's so touching


It's so touching

watching you shave

your fuzzy black hair

that sprouts everywhere

only to come back as stubble


It's so touching



It's so very touching

to see you fill out your top


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thwarted lovelove

I Love You, I Love You Not


I love you, I love you not

You laughed at me and I forgot

Forgot the day we’ve met

There’s nothing I would regret


So many hearts were broken by you

But you don’t care and hell with you

It seems to me you never loved

And nothing could excite your blood


How much I want to say I hate you

How much I want to be with you

You are just heartless...

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Song in the Starry Sky



Sing, through the flowing tears,
And laugh though it aches,
ask again for love in rejection's face
into the sun's first brilliant rays

Peer into that song and hear its heart
take along these raindrops' prisms
let them glow in the dark of night
its tune your comfort and companion

Hold your friend deep within your soul,
journey into th...

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Rain in the Summertime



Raindrops trickle on the forest's brow
Forming transparent puddles,
That reflect your querying face
And catches the dream of a moment.

Storm cells brew on the radar,
Fearful in their presence as they pass
Life on the brink of forever's portals
Until thunder morphs into cuddles .

In the streams your form takes shape,
Eyes that gaze with hope and love

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The Depths Of Love - V2

The great power of love is not in the mind,
but deep in our hearts which can ache muchly sometimes.
The passions we feel are beyond thought to control,
some say it's our hormones, some say it's the soul.

To only live in the shallows without loves warm glow,
is to be beached like a whale with nowhere to go,
the depths may bring some sorrows and pain on the way,
yet we all get th...

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