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As it reaches its zenith the midnight sun casts its pale light over this silent land.

Nothing stirs except the howling winter wind over miles and miles of emptiness.

No animal or man is to be found here, only the elements in their most basic form.

Earth, wind, fire and water. This is God’s land, a timeless placeless place.



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Battle of Demon's Run

emons run

and heroes fight.


Doctor Doctor,

Red Bull and happy pills...

yet still no wings to take flight.

I'm in a state of spiritual paralysis

dripping out fears in emotional dialysis.


Demons run

and heroes fight.


Take it back to the start as you tear me apart

memories piercing the fabric of my existence.


Demons run


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spiritualityChristianitygodreligiondepressionmental healthlovefamilyrebirth




That mourning I went to the woods,
misrepresented by madness.
Life chastened, clouds crept on whilst I cried up on my cross.
I picked obscure rose petals and placed them in abandoned jam jars.

I trampled on my spirit, a quiet cost.
I found an inner peace, like a pardon.
A new diadem excavated encircled my loss.
I danced on wet grass with God, crown festo...

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The palm branches in churches,

The light of candles resembles

Jesus glorious entry to Jerusalem.

Psalms the Christians sing, glorious hymn.

He was healing the sick,

He was raising the dead.

It looked as a magic

When He turned a stone into bread.

A Prince of Peace!

He wished to increase Love.

He has come to set up

A kingdom of freedom,

A king...

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The Epiphany


Once upon a time

In the waters of Jordan

Jesus Christ was christened.

Since then to that sacred place

The peoples come of different race.

The Epiphany water its memory’s remained,

The memory of One who gave us love with flame.

And today when the New year has passed

Jesus Christ Epiphany is coming

And winter looks so charming.

All around is aiming hi...

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