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Tue 14th Oct 2014 21:26

Hi, thank you for commenting on my poem entitled 'For My Family.'

Yes it is a plea. During my life from very small, the things i loved were often taken away from me. Later in life that too became apparent. It's as though I have had to forgo my heart just to live. In saying that, even since my time in the military life itself just took turn after turn after turn for the worst. My health has been poor ever since, and my existence on benefits and low pensions exacerbating the poverty with which I grew up, where I even had to go to school wearing plastic clown shoes at one point.

I have never been one to gather the materials that other's have and take for granted, material wealth that is. I am not even allowed to buy my own house because no one will insure me because of my conditions since service in the Gulf.

Where i sit now in a run down terraced house, with an adorable wife and two fantastic children; has in essence only come about with battle after battle after battle with ill health and conditions we all fear.

It's not so much as been a journey, it has been in getting to this point, an insult of an experience that defies my compassion and intellect. Now I am at a point with my wife and children that i fear may be taken away once and for all by my own ill health and for that, I have never had chance for my heart to rest, prosper and admire the very people in my life that has made the process worth it. It is as though I am to be deprived by none other than jealous gods.

That's how it feels. I don't see many of my comrades suffering so much. Whereas, ever since a child, the love i have felt for other's, has always been taken away.

Thank you for commenting. It means a lot as i don't get many comments for my work. This poem, should my demise happen sooner, rather than later, it is hoped, will find its way to my wifes hands. That's my hope


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Ian Whiteley

Tue 14th Oct 2014 19:33

thanks for the kind comments on 'funeral days' and the blog about the new CD MC - appreciate it

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Tue 14th Oct 2014 15:44

Hi M.C. Thanks for your kind words

Everyone reacts differently during the old age period.
Men of note write memoirs, peasants write silly poems.

I know which I'd rather read.

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Ged the Poet

Sat 11th Oct 2014 20:45

M.C. Thank you for your kind appraisal on 'Another Grey Day'. Nose and nasal hair as well. Glad you liked it. Very much appreciated.

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Ged the Poet

Thu 25th Sep 2014 11:55

M.C. Thank you for your very kind and articulate words on 'The Local Parkie'. I am so glad someone saw the analogy of the innermost anger in queuing up by the abandoned Dunkirk veterans. (I know they would have rather been in the queue than trying to hold of the might of the Wehrmacht as the Kings Royal Rifle Corps and the Rifle Brigade had to do).
The Parkies' were always firm but fair and in those days knowing right from wrong was the 'norm'.
Thank you.

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 22nd Sep 2014 19:19

thanks for the comment in August MC - it was lost in my holiday fugue and only just spotted it on review. I saw the CD you mentioned - it looked interesting - might get it

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David Cooke

Wed 3rd Sep 2014 13:21

Hi M.C. and thanks for comments on my Ali poem. I think Ali's response to his call up was entirely honorable, though, because, like Elvis, he would have been given celebrity status and have had a pretty cushy time doing exhibition bouts and signing autographs. As it was he had the full force of the establishment lined up against him and was lucky to have ever resumed his career. Whatever about all that he sure was a charismatic character.

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Preeti Sinha

Wed 20th Aug 2014 16:20

Thank you MC Newberry for your lovely comment on "Nature" :)

I am so happy to be here to learn from all of you!


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Ian Whiteley

Tue 19th Aug 2014 19:35

Thanks again for commenting on 'Death Of A Poet' MC - I'm really pleased with this and the other war poems I've put to music - just finishing the recording sessions tomorrow with a Dylan cover and then I need to concentrate on the pamphlet/book that I'm putting out with the CD - the poems/artwork/photo's should make an interesting package.

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Mick Waring

Fri 8th Aug 2014 21:13

Hello M.C . thank-you, the lines are for a relative who died in 1916 age 22 at Flanders, strange that unless you research the family tree these things are soon forgotten. It's also on the 'Letter to an Unknown Soldier' site .. search 'chris waring'.

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chris stevenson

Fri 8th Aug 2014 19:46

thank-you M.C. .. I was thinking about how quickly a tragedy disappears from the news every day, and somewhere an unknown family grieves ..

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 4th Aug 2014 19:11

thanks for the further comments on 'TILF' MC - 'formidable performance Poet?' - nah - I would prefer passionate about some, but not all, topics. But VERY passionate about looking after those who have so much to lose against those who do not. Interesting quote - and 75 years on from the second world war - we still do not learn eh?

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 16th Jul 2014 19:57

thanks for the comments on White Feather MC - I know what you mean about CO's - but, if I'm honest, I feel there would be a lot less, or no wars, if the world was full of CO's and not war-mongers - cheers

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Martin Elder

Wed 9th Jul 2014 19:37

Thanks for your comments on the red chair M.C.
I also realised after posting this that I had forgotten about the buzz of the electric cutters.

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Thomas J Steele

Tue 8th Jul 2014 18:59

Howdy M.C, just dropping by to say thanks for the comment on "Zero to Hero", it was quite insightful. I never knew that Norman was in the armed forces. I have an appreciation for the forces as my father was regular army for 23 years and has now been t.a for nearly 10. Thank you for the info.

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 27th Jun 2014 18:33

cheers for the feedback MC. Maybe I'm trying to be too smart with the vocal track (I co-produced so no one to blame but myself if this has back-fired) I was after a Lennon-like lead vocal with plenty of reverb/echo - but the carol at the end is meant to be distorted/distant/ethereal - a ghost of the main theme if you will. I still hear it clearly, but it's meant to sound other-worldly. Thanks again for your continued supportive comments

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 26th Jun 2014 14:25

thanks again MC - just seen your kind comments on 'war boys' - interesting you should suggest a slow/lament - because I'm recording this one next week and I've got a big, bold marching tune in mind - that goes off-beat and more chatic as the soing progresses. This is one of the few times that I've written the words after the tune has presented itself to me - so should be interesting to see how it turns out. Here's a link to soundcloud for a demo of onbe of the other tracks I've recorded for the new WW1 album - I think you may have responded positively when I posted the poem (Vilanelle) earlier in the year - quite interesting to get a tune that so perfectly (in my mind anyway)fit the poetry form without detracting from the song element. Hope you like it - I'd welcome your feedback : HOME BY CHRISTMAS
there's also a couple of others that I've already recorded for the album if you want to give them a listen :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 26th Jun 2014 14:08

thanks for your kind comments on 'children of the glamned' MC - sorry it's taken a while to get back to you - holiday and then severe bout of food poisoning - so, once again, in catch up mode. Yes, I am certainly a child of the glam seventies - and most definitely written from the heart :-)

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Martin Elder

Thu 26th Jun 2014 13:35

Hi M.C.
Thanks for your comments on A short walk. It's based on a walk in April in Anglesey. One of many.
Best wishes

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Mon 16th Jun 2014 19:09

Hi MC thanks for your comment on Anger. I wanted to do the same thing when I read the story.

Thanks Hazel

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Ged the Poet

Fri 13th Jun 2014 23:28

Hello MC
Thank you for your comment regarding 'The Place Where Only Dead Men Sleep' it was appreciated. With regards to 'The Menin Gate' I should have added that I was fortunate enough to watch this on television relating to the gun carriage and the children with the soil.
I found that your words relating to the horses 'It's horses quiet - as if t'were known, They had forebears of their own' coupled with the appropriate music and bugle call in your audio version a wonderful touch. Kind regards.

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John Coopey

Tue 10th Jun 2014 19:44

Hello MC.
I've just seen your "Harsh Words..." post, encouraged by your post on my Profile page.
I too find a lot of what passes for poetry uninteresting. In fact, it reminds me of a Fred Wedlock piece in which he goes to a folk club and watches a performer introduce his act with, " I write my songs quite free from bourgeois restrictions like rhythm and rhyme....and interest".
I have no problems at all with you passing on "Ode to Roy"; in fact, I am quite flattered.

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steve mellor

Sun 8th Jun 2014 17:11

Thanks for taking the time to comment on 'Forgotten'
I just have the feeling that many folk in the 'NORTH' feel like they're going to end up as one big exhibit in a working museum

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Tue 27th May 2014 20:30

Thanks MC. Much appreciated.

Ventured a- broad, Ha.I like that, well played.

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 25th Apr 2014 14:29

thanks for your kind comments on the 'Somme' poem MC - glad you liked it. It's part of a bigger piece I'm working on at the moment - and started to record some of the segments (although not all written yet) I think it will be a 'fitting' remembrance. I, like you, have relatives buried here (and there) who were scarred by the great war

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Shirley Smothers

Wed 16th Apr 2014 14:06

Hello M.C.

Thank you for your suggestion about my BREVETTE POEMS. I took your suggestion and wrote another edition.
The first was a writing challenge.


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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Tue 25th Mar 2014 21:50

Thanks M.C. A much appreciated comment

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J. Otis Powell!

Tue 25th Mar 2014 17:39

Thank you M.C. Newberry for your eloquent observations and comments on Vernal Equinox. I wrestle with notions of judgmental assumptions, thumbs up or down opinions and whether we know anything about perfection. Its all weather to me anymore; I either dress appropriately for it or stay inside.
J. Otis‽

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Nigel Astell

Mon 10th Mar 2014 13:48

Thanks for your comment M.C.

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 6th Mar 2014 19:33

no problem MC - I think you may have misunderstood - I'm not warning you off - don't mind the banter to be honest - it's just the books on conspiracies I'm staying away from - the next 2 kennedy tomes will definitely be 'all conspiracy' :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 5th Mar 2014 19:09

thanks for the kind comments on 'the perfect alibi' MC and the update on JFK. I'm having a breather from all things Kennedy at the moment as I gorged myself way too much over the anniversary with books and TV. I've got the biog 'an unfinished life' by Robert dallek and 'one minute to midnight' by Michael dobbs to read next - I'm staying away from conspiracy theories for a while because, to be honest, I think most are just sensationalist nonsense :-)

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Sat 15th Feb 2014 00:05

Never in my wildest dreams back in 1944 when my earnings were the equivalent of 75 pence per week, did I think my modest Nat.Ins. contributions would evolve into an £145 odd weekly state pension today. Not enough for a life of luxury,but never the less a steady improvement overtime, in spite of varying political regimes. coupled with the populaces inbuilt resistance to change, and the blinkered views of the extremist

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Fri 14th Feb 2014 10:02

Hi M.C.

I've been retired for twenty eight years, and used up all my pot. but thanks to the re-distribution of the M.C. millions, I look forward to the future with confidence. Ta.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 10th Feb 2014 20:46

Thank you dear M.C. for yor support! :-)
I believe you. :-)

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Mon 10th Feb 2014 18:39

Pension life longer than working life. The economics of Micawberism?

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Sun 9th Feb 2014 11:55

It was an effort in cheering up
what is the uselessness of ones
latter years.

The next episode,will be a "jolly" description of ones final exit,as environmental friendly,powdered detritus.

(It's bein so cheerful as keeps me goin) Cheers M.C.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sun 26th Jan 2014 16:33

Hello, MC!
I am so much thankful for commenting on my poem "My Long-Suffering Ukraine".

With warmest wishes,
Larisa xxx

PS You are incredible

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Lynn Dye

Wed 22nd Jan 2014 23:44

Hi MC, thanks for your comment on my profile, many apologies for not answering this sooner, I have only just noticed it. Yes, I do understand your views, and I agree there are some people like you describe. However, the other side of the coin is that many have paid into the system for years on end, and then they become disabled, only to have Atos tell them they are fit for work, and their benefits stop completely while they await tribunals. It is not fair that many people who cannot find work are having their money stopped altogether for between a month and three months due to unfair procedures at the DWP.
Anyway, respect for your story, MC.

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John Coopey

Mon 13th Jan 2014 21:50

Thanks for the heads-up, MC.
I Look forward to the audio.

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Greg Freeman

Thu 9th Jan 2014 07:42

Glad you enjoyed Surbiton Lagoon, MC. I lived just round the corner, and garnered some of the material for it from a FB site with 700 members on it. And obliged to you for your kind comments on the Best of British Poetry 2013 review, too.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 7th Jan 2014 12:42

MC, thanks very much for commenting on Frank's poem. A happy new year to you.

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Andy N

Fri 27th Dec 2013 11:09

thanks M.C. for your comment on my Christmas Poem.. I wrote it really for my partner, but she loved it that much she suggested i blog it and as i like it too, here we go. glad you like it and hope you had a good xmas / regards for next year.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 26th Dec 2013 16:19

Hi, M.C.Newberry!Thank you so much for commenting on "Merry Christmas". Best wishes, Larisa
Merry Christmas to you!

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Mon 23rd Dec 2013 17:30

Hi M.C.

Thanks for those nice words, much appreciated, and a very merry Christmas to you.

Oh and congratulations on your departure, (poem)success, really deserved.

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Mon 23rd Dec 2013 07:53

Thanks M.C

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<Deleted User> (11197)

Sun 22nd Dec 2013 08:16

Thank you for your comment and the correction. :)
Best wishes

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 20th Dec 2013 17:52

Hello M.C.

Thank you for your comments on my
"Difficult Haiku". Sorry to hear your Dad passed away when you were so young. I treasure the years I had with mine.


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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Fri 20th Dec 2013 01:32

Wonder will I live to see the topplers of the A.N.C.

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Steve Higgins

Thu 12th Dec 2013 12:59

Once again, thanks for looking in on my work. Your comments are much appreciated.
Looking at your bio I see you have completed some screenplays. I've done 3 myself, had them read by the BBC but not taken up. Others just come back in the post marked 'unread'. Poetry is so much simpler . .
Best wishes, Steve

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 8th Dec 2013 13:26

thanks for the comment on 'Moving On' MC - I've been going through a very inward-looking phase recently - I'd better give myself a kick up the jacksie and start thinking more positively.
BTW - just seen a brilliant documentary on the Discovery Channel called 'inside the target car' which shows, once and for all, that there was only 1 shooter and that shooter was in the TBD - fantastic use of state of the art forensics to duplicate all possible conditions and trajectories - if you get a chance to see it it's a must for laying some of the myths out flat :-)

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