The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Mick Waring

Updated: Wed, 11 May 2016 09:01 am

Contact via WOL logo


Short stories suddenly stop, they’re abandoned, then re-appear months later as a poem .. must try and complete things .



All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Mick Waring

Office Dance. (06/12/2012)

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<Deleted User> (13947)

Thu 16th Jul 2015 20:31

Hiya Mick, I checked out Office Dance. I liked it. Has a Beck sound to me and I dig that. Thanks for directing it to me. I am glad you bumped DESK up as I really enjoyed reading it.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 11th Aug 2014 15:54

Hello Mick - I too had a family member - a maternal uncle - who was killed in action in August 1916. Family research turned up stuff I never heard from my mother who was of a generation which kept its cards close to its chest when it came to what was talked about. My late father also served and survived through 1917-1918...and was in uniform again for WW2. To have endured and witnessed so much grief and suffering in a single lifetime is almost beyond my own comprehension.

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 25th Oct 2012 06:59

Hi Mick, thanx for comment, hope you can make Tyldesley gig, be great to meet you, cheers Jeff

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Tom Harding

Wed 17th Oct 2012 18:48

Mick many thanks for the comment on 'I've cried enough over you'
Yes must record it again one day... It was late in the evening and couldn't muster much more than that!

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 11th Oct 2012 13:42

Hi Mick, thanks for comment on Cotton Town, good to hear your great grandfather was in Bolton in the 19 century! glad you like the poem.

Just been reading a few of yours, good stuff, the hat made me laugh and like 'I notice you' - good to see you on WOL, hope to bump into you sometome, I run several nights including Bolton WOL, the home of WOL, check dates n stuff on my profile, all the best Jeff

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